Welcome Everyone! We are having our 1st event!!
For this event you may pair up with a friend
Play by yourself or play as a couple!
The Events are going to consist of:
- Archery
- Swimming
- Soccer
- Track
- Vollyball
- Ice skating
- Snowball fight
- Roleplay trivia
The Olympics games will all be on different days. [Please check for updates on events] Winners of the events will be awarded points depending on which place they are in.
There will be a room added later for the ranks of the team or indiviual. They events will be held in different parts of the world (rooms) so please be active for this event.
To be in the Olympics, all you have to do is sign up in this format below.
Partner: (if you have one)
Game: (check the list above)
I will also need 2 other judges besides myself So if you want to be a judge PM me!! ^^ -Admin Daire