✣ Nile River


arena number two.



Ammit: Known as the devourer of souls, and also as the eater of hearts, the Ammit is the patron of destruction of the souls of the wicked. It is a demon with the head of a crocodile, the torso of a leopard and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. The Ammit sits by the scale of justice and devour the souls of those who are deemed unworthy. Watch yourself and your back, because the Ammit is always watching. If she catches a wrong doing, you might just get your heart eaten.


the nile river

The Nile River slithers through the driest desert land that was once called Ancient Egypt, and for five thousand years, many prosperous civilizations lived along the banks of the Nile River. What once was a prosperous society is now mysteriously empty and abandoned, every sign of life was wiped out except for the mutts that still resided here. When the temperatures gets warm, the banks of Nile would suffer through flooding from the melted snow on the mountains of East Africa, while this was to the people's advantage back in the Ancient Egypt, it is not the case in the arena. Between selected periods of time, the bank of the Nile River will suddenly go through a sudden flood, it will not be bringing soil and plant life but rather, mass destruction to whoever is in reach of the arena. The seemingly clean water is actually highly poisonous, one sip of it can cause severe nausea, hallucination, as well as red rashes throughout your entire body (primarily on the arms and back)



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bigboybbg 10 years ago
is this place still active?
Screws-and-stitches 10 years ago
um, hi, I'd like to join
reves-moi 10 years ago
I'm sorry, but Minhyuk is leaving. I kind of lost my muse here :c.
RoseThornArchive 10 years ago
sorry, chris is leaving~ too many rps
crepes 10 years ago
kai left, i'm sorry.
i'm sorry for being a ty roleplayer, a ty friend, and just a ty person to deal with.
life is getting pretty busy now, and I just can't keep up with as many roleplays, but that still doesn't excuse all the times I've had free time and neglected to roleplay. I hope that one day I can get back on good terms with everyone from the hunger games rp, including you. but today, unfortunately, isn't that day. though I want you to always remember,
I love you.

kwangwoo for life.
awesomegilbird 10 years ago
chanyeol is leaving, i'm sorry...
reves-moi 10 years ago
B-Bomb/Minhyuk will be on hiatus... ? e u e *shot*
waywardtraveler 10 years ago
I plan on joining this soon<3
-fxck- 11 years ago
could you reserve wang fei fei for me?
reves-moi 11 years ago
can you reserve B-Bomb for me? ^u^ And change his name to Minhyuk? *coughs*
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