ℰmpire Ṕark

The Empire Park is one of the many parks built for the Alien race. Empire Parks are built to float in the center of each city and are filled with the planet's native plants that won't survive in Earthly conditions. They are kept safe by an invisable glass dome which surrounds the top half of the floating section of land. It to is held up by blue rocket struts, just like the Royal Palace. Humans and Aliens alike are all welcome to venture though it. Some are just the size of a garden while others are as big as a small town. It also includes a viewing platform that surrounds the entire base for those that do not want to be with the vegetation. Those on the inside cannot see the viewing platform through it's special holographic glass.

[Alien Prince] L.Joe [A] 11 years ago
@Amber "Good, good." L.Joe said as he nodded and smiled. "I'm doing well too." he said happily as he held his Rubix Cube to his side. Most of the colors were all in the wrong places as he was planning on starting to solve it again later. He didn't know why he found the 'fun' device so addicting but he never let go of it. Despite the fact that Aliens didn't need such an invention.

"Anyhoo, why are you in the Empire Park?" he suddenly asked as he tilted his head. "Aren't you supposed to be working...or something?" Asking this he smiled sheepishly and rubbed his neck as he felt her eyes taking in his apparel. The gold shirt and black skinny jeans certainly didn't help his case along with the gold high tops and black studded hat.
Amber [A] 11 years ago
@L.Joe Amber immediately noticed the different apparel he was wearing- human clothes. She grimaced at the disgusting attire but shook her thoughts away and looked back up to L.Joe's face, "um... I'm well," she replied, her gaze shifting back to the hideous clothes.

She knew that questioning him would not get her anywhere- he was just an odd child and that was it. However, seeing him in the human clothes made Amber slightly disappointed. Was he not happy of being with his own species? Was that why he dressed and acted different from others? Amber did not know and decided to ask him later.
[Alien Prince] L.Joe [A] 11 years ago
@Amber L.Joe automatically pouted as Amber called his name and walked out from behind the tree. He smiled immediately though and walked up to her fast. "Hi Amber~!" he said happily as he stopped in front of her. The young prince was slightly nervous at the fact of Amber finding him because today he was wearing Human clothes instead of the normal attire of his home planet.

That's why most of his subjects found him weird because he didn't wear the native clothing often, and played with his Rubix Cube non-stop. Both of which were Human invention. Still smiling though and fixed his hat, which he was wearing backwards, and spoke again. "I'm doing good~ You?"
Amber [A] 11 years ago
@L.Joe Amber walked down the pathway made through the forest, enjoying the nature. Each plant made her feel a little bit warmer inside since, when she was young, walked through the plants on the home planet with their mother before all went wrong. She could name each plant and their unique difference between them; their mother would always ask her for fun. The forest made her feel nostalgic and a little bit at home but not enough without their mother being there.

As she turned to go down another path, she looked over and saw her brother, L.Joe. She blinked a few times and then smiled just slightly, "hello, L.Joe," he spoke softly, "how are you?"
[Alien Prince] L.Joe [A] 11 years ago
@Amber L.Joe walked through the green plants of the forest in the Empire Park. He knew most of the plants as they were native to his home planet but since he was the one in the family who didn't pay attention to studying he didn't know all of them. In fact, he really didn't listen to his teacher, instead choosing to solve his Rubix Cube time and time again.

Just as he rounded a corner onto another path he saw his sister Queen Amber rounding onto it as well from the other side. For some reason he felt the need to hide and jumped behind one of the glowing trees while watching her walk down the path.


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nemoli 11 years ago
can you pleeeeease add EvOl's say? thank~~
---CheshireCat 11 years ago
Could there be a princess? o . o;;;
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