Apartment Complex

Only a block away from the Hospital.

Apartment application:

Apartment wanted's number:

How many occupants and their names:

Job (unless you're a patient):

Doctor Jongin 10 years ago
@➋ Baekhyun Ok
Secretary Baekhyun [SH] [A] 10 years ago
Doctor Jongin 10 years ago
-dr jongin
-apt 7
- 2 , dr. Jongin and intern kyungsoo
-ER physician
Doctor Jongin 10 years ago
-dr jongin
-apt 7
-er physician
Doctor Jongin 10 years ago
-dr. Jongin
Doctor Sehun 10 years ago
-3; dr sehun, nurse luhan and my... son? ;u;
Doctor Joonmyeon [H] 10 years ago
-Apartment 5
-1 Kim Junmyeon
-Pulmonolgist and Surgeon

Thanks so much! ^^
[post deleted by owner]
Doctor Chanyeol [SH] [A] 10 years ago
Doctor Yifan [SH] 10 years ago
- apartment 4
- 1 Wu Yifan
- Surgeon
please and thank you. u w u


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YooCherry 9 years ago
Taehyung is leaving since its kinda inactive ;-;
suhorny 10 years ago
i'm finally gonna go - wiping this account clean and maybe deactivating. who knows. O/
paradisekiss 10 years ago
hi there ;; patient yixing is leaving because of school and personal stuffs ;;
i'll come back when i have more time ; u ;
thanks for having me here, it was enjoyable!
Tao_tao_panda 10 years ago
Nurse Zitao is leaving because of school.
I enjoyed the stay here. Thank you.
paradisekiss 10 years ago
please puut yixing ( patient ) on semi-hiatus for now ; ~ ; school is draining all of my time ;; sorry and thankyou <3
Tao_tao_panda 10 years ago
Applied for Nurse Zitao
suhorny 10 years ago
Dr. Yifan's gotta go on semi-hiatus; I'm torn between loving my classes (and coping with the copious amount of work) and loving my para/detailed script roleplaying. I'll try my best not to go inactive. ; u ; < 3
-shattered 10 years ago
Please put Doctor Junmyeon on semi-hiatus. I'll still be relatively active, but due to OOC issues - it's for the best. Thanks! ♥
Just_Me 10 years ago
Applied as nurse baekhyun
momchi 10 years ago
Applied as nurse Taehyung
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