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![kim taeyeon](http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/121610819/14424988)
Kim TaeYeon
![kim jaejoong](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FnOhfu0U-Lk/TCKEDzXmgcI/AAAAAAAAACw/3F8WrnuSMqg/s320/241009Jaejoong27.jpg)
Kim JaeJoong
![cho subin](https://31.media.tumblr.com/06fb94157d25e6123a5ae37215eeca90/tumblr_inline_n4syclVLKD1rvrm9i.png)
Cho SuBin
Lee SooHyuk
Kim TaeYeon
![kim jaejoong](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FnOhfu0U-Lk/TCKEDzXmgcI/AAAAAAAAACw/3F8WrnuSMqg/s320/241009Jaejoong27.jpg)
Kim JaeJoong
![cho subin](https://31.media.tumblr.com/06fb94157d25e6123a5ae37215eeca90/tumblr_inline_n4syclVLKD1rvrm9i.png)
Cho SuBin
![lee soohyuk](http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/maguroishii/16523535/65482/65482_600.jpg)
Lee SooHyuk
An early reviewer roleplay that were created in asianfanfics. Our idea is to create a space that is like home to everyone who wants to roleplay. The type of roleplay can be varied, any theme or type.
Everything will be done and answered honestly by the admins, who are two different people. They will assess closely all that is inside the roleplay such as drama till' active people.
Want to join a place that's suits you better? Please be our guest!
Everything will be done and answered honestly by the admins, who are two different people. They will assess closely all that is inside the roleplay such as drama till' active people.
Want to join a place that's suits you better? Please be our guest!
> For your roleplay be reviwed: first, press the subscribe button above.
> Fill out our form (LINK BELOW) and wait until the admins update the description on this page with the name of the current roleplays that are evaluating.
> Wait for at least two weeks after the update, so we can evaluate all the charactheristics carefully.
> Any questions or complaints, please send a PM as a complaint and post it in the comments as questions, your question may be the others doubts!
> Your name when sent in the form, will not be published so it will be all done secretly.
> LINK FORM: (here)
> Fill out our form (LINK BELOW) and wait until the admins update the description on this page with the name of the current roleplays that are evaluating.
> Wait for at least two weeks after the update, so we can evaluate all the charactheristics carefully.
> Any questions or complaints, please send a PM as a complaint and post it in the comments as questions, your question may be the others doubts!
> Your name when sent in the form, will not be published so it will be all done secretly.
> LINK FORM: (here)
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