♦ Prima rule ♦
Every player has to obey and follow the rules of the owner (Adam) and this regardless they find it fair or not. Because after all if you don't, why would you even apply ?
♣ Basic rules ♣
OOC : no OOC drama, no bashing, no , or the ones at the source of it will be kicked out and banned from this RP (and never allowed in any of my other rp), and this without any ahead warning. Don't worry, if I find you annoying, I'll let you know so you can leave before getting kicked out. When speaking OOC use brackets : { } [ ] ( ) | |
Character : Only one chara per account until the roleplay grows older.
Inactive : be active at least one time upon 2 weeks. If you get the inactive sign, you'll get a warning on your wall. Then you'll have 7 days to become active again or warn an admin.
Hiatus : to avoid loosing your chara, please warn an admin about it when you want to be put on hiatus. No semi-hiatus, I know you have many RPs, so please don't apply in more RPs than you can actually play.
RPing : no god modding, no 1st pov in the rooms, do not rp only on walls. Any kink and allowed but only when you are given the okay by the intended victim chara's player.
Age : because we don't have a way to know if the people applying are +18, I find it stupid to restrain it. Anyone can say they're over 18 when they're not. I think there's no age limit to write , because once you start it, you're +18 in your head. Word to the wise. Salutation.
Lottery : Every month, a lottery will happen. Slaves and rooms will be handed to masters according the lottery's outcome. Participating is required and is 10 points, and you have to pay. You wanted to enter that luxury place, then you have to follow the rules. The master and slave will have to rp together for three weeks at least. The borrowed rooms will be cleaned before each new lottery.
Masters : can do whatever they want with the slave they won at the lottery. Except killing them or they'll have to pay the price of a slave, harming a slave and letting marks on him is 500 points. Masters can buy the following :
♣ Slave = 5'000 points
♣ Room = 2'000 points + 20 points of rent each month
Slaves : have no words to say. They can't gamble but earn points according their position in the ranking. Slaves can buy the following :
♣ Room = 5'500 points + 5 points of rent each month
Hosts : can refuse a master in their room. No one can apply as a host directly, only a slave who bought a room can host a customer in. A free host can choose to participate or not in the lottery. Because they're not part of the ranking anymore, they are being paid by their clients. Hosts can buy the following :
♣ Liberty = 5'500 points + rent raises (15 points or rent each month)
Staff : they can't play at the gamble room, and they can't participate in the lottery. They're not masters, neither are they slaves. They're allowed in every room, except for private rooms. They earn 300 points every months during the lottery. Staffs can buy the following :
♣ Room = 1'000 points + 10 points of rent each month
♣ One ticket to participate in the lottery = 200 points
Kicked out : When your amount of point fall to 0, you're out. You loose everything you have, your slave, your room, and your wall will be cleaned. Then you have to start everything over with only 10 points, just enough to participate in the lottery.
Once a slave is owned, it's his owner's choice to let him participate in the lottery
(a free slave/host can choose to participate or not in the lottery)
♠ How to apply ♠
1/ check the ✎ Masterlist / Wishlist to see which chara is available.
2/ comment below which chara you want (he doesn't have to be asian) :
→ name + band/group + age + type (= master, slave, staff)
3/ once your chara is added, apply with the following form (You have two weeks to apply) :
Master Application Form : clic
Slave Application Form : clic
Staff Application Form : clic
4/ fill up the basic profile (you can change the layout but please keep the basic informations which are inside)
♣ Masters get 500 points by joining.
♣ Bring a master friend : he will get 650 points and you will get 200 points / people you bring in.
♣ Slaves get 200 points by joining.
♣ Bring a slave friend : he will get 250 points and you will get 100 points / people you bring in.
♣ Staffs get 350 points by joining.
♠ Only 7 posts are available for the staff :
- Guardavailable: kick out of the rooms the customers and slaves who don't want to when time is up, protect the slaves.
- Main hostavailable : welcome the customers and introduce them the (new) slaves.
- Butleravailable: brings food/drink to the rooms or anything the customers need in the rooms.
- Croupiertaken: make the customers play and spend their money in games.
- Cleaneravailable: clean the rooms after the customers are done.
- Waiteravailable : serves food for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
- Cookeravailable : cook for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and special treats when customers are in rooms.
Black list : MissIdahbashing on coadmin on another rp / Calliopestealing roleplay idea because of lack of imagination
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