Welcome to He's your Muse~
here are the rules.
1. no ooc drama (if we see it, you'll get a warning then be kicked out)
2. favorite before applying (upvoting would be lovely and we'd be eternally greatful)
3. this is strictly a rp (if you don't like it, then here's the door)
4. is allowed (only if it's ok with the other rper)
5. comment once you apply. (password is love me, muse)
6. is allowed but only in the m rated rooms (so don't tear your clothes off in the store or something)
7. you'll go inactive in 14 days. for the first inactivity, you'll get a warning to fix it. (failure to get rid of the inactive sign will result in being kicked out of the rp)
8. mpreg is allowed.
9. no facechasing. try to reply to everyone.
10. if you don't see the character you want in the masterlist, then comment and one of the admin's will add it.
11. you are allowed to have up to two characters. (three if the other two have been active after a week)
12. both 1st and 3rd POV are allowed (mostly 1st though)
13. you're obviously not an idol here. (au)
14. inform any of the admins if you are going on hiatus or semi-hiatus. (both last for 2 weeks if you don't give a good enough excuse for being on hiatus)
15. any relationship is ok (MasterXMaster. MasterXmuse, mumuse)
Master or muse:
Background: (give a few sentances about where your character's from and what led them to being what they are (Master or muse)
Type: (FOR MUSES ONLY!) or Soft. this puts you into a category.
Password: (look up in the rules)
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