Fallen angels
The rules
1. No bashing/OOC drama -be nice
2. RP in 1st or 3rd POV -1st: *waves* Hello. -3rd: "Hello!" he said waving at the other.
3. This is a Roleplay -no girls in masterlist
4. , , Torture and Violence are allowed. -killing is not allowed
5. in Rated M rooms only. - easy
6. Pregnancy and marriage are allowed. -just tell the admins
7. Be active! -I don't like dead rps
8. Tell the Admins if you're a Couple, Engaged, Married, or Pregnant. -same for hiatus or deactivating
9. The password: It's U-Know Time
How to join:
1. Favorite
2. Pick the character you like*
3. Choose if you want to be a demon or a fallen angel.
4. Apply with this format using the masterlist:
Idol and group:
Demon/fallen angel:
Would you like a room? (Demons only)
If ''yes'' provide a link.
*If your desired idol is not there please comment and he will be added.
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