1.Favorite is a MUST. Upvote is highly appreciated.
2.Check Master List before telling the admins to add the character. Put you are mine somewhere in the application for masters.
3.Two characters are allowed but they have to be the opposite of each other and from different groups. (ex: 1st:master 2nd:servant)
4.You will get three warnings for being inactive until I start kicking people out. MUST inform an admin if you're going on hiatus.
5.Keep or anything rated in the rooms marked M.
6.IC drama is allowed but if I catch any OOC drama there will be consequences. Put I will obey you somewhere in the application for orphans.
7.You get to be with your pair for a week, play nicely. Please check separate rules for masters or servants.
Full Name:
group and age (age can be modified -3 or +3):
Master or Servant:
Ideal Type(master only) or Personality(servants only):
Bio (at least a paragraph):
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