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I. AVOID FACECHASING/READZONING. i mean- no one can really stop you but just be mindful of the others around you as well.

II. ALL UALITIES ARE ALLOWED. different for different folks! [you must be 16+]

III. NO DATING BAN/ MOVE IN COUPLES ARE ALLOWED. Just be sure to inform an admin about so. Although there is no dating ban marriage is not prohibited until 2 weeks of your relationship [unless moved in as an already married couple].

IV. HIATUS RULING. If desired a haitus or leaving for good, please be sure to inform an admin about so. You can not request a hiatus until 2 weeks after your arrival. Hiatus is currently only 2 weeks long. If you require an extention on your hiatus it will only be 3+ days at max. Extentions for hiatus grow gradually after few hiatus requests. [you are given only 1 haitus approval every month for at least 3 months upon arrival.

V. CC IS ALLOWED. you are only approved 2 ccs every 2 months and must wait 2 weeks upon arrival before ccing is available to you.

lastly and more importantly:

VI. DRAMA OF ANY KIND WITHOUT CONSENTED HUMOR THROUGH BOTH PARTIES WILL HAVE YOU KICKED WITHOUT WARNING. a warning will only be given to you if spotted before escalation of a situation. besides that ooc drama is not tolerated and the rule of consented humor only applies to ic. and since you read this far,  the real password is your choice of pineapple or peaches :^) !



- read over the rules and favorite the thread.

- check the masterlist to see if your desired
faceclaim is available. if the face you choose to claim is not there then the claim is open!

- comment the reservation.

- wait patiently for an admin to respond
to your comment.

- respond to comment reply from the admins within 24 hours of being accepted.

- wait to be added to the chats and make plenty of new.

friends and memories!

[if applying here instead of aff please be sure to ask for the reservation of your desired faceclaim. you have 24 hours to apply before your reservation expires and your desired faceclaim is up for grabs again]






kik usr: 






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Kevinbrown 1 year ago
The super GODDESS is accepting new and old male submitting slave to partake in the ongoing training task sessions on kik: milajhene
Aftsistg 7 years ago
So yes for international face claim?
AeroNix 7 years ago
I'd like to reserve Aero Nix
And also know how to get in...
halovian 7 years ago
wishes for got7 members before i join back bc felt misplaced-- orz
skyreacher 7 years ago
Kim namjoon
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
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