- Respect everyone.
- No trolling
- Swearing is allowed, but no racist, ist, or any insults of implications or you will be banned.
- This is a and a YURI story. Yes, you can be het, but I'm mostly looking for the ones formerly mentioned. Probably mostly .
- is allowed, but keep it to wall posts or PMs
- Remember, your character is NOT the main character! Do not put all the attention on you!
- No power playing. That means leaving the other character(s) with no option (unless they let you) eg. Kris has cornered Tao against the wall, which no escape route as he has bodyguards everywhere. Now, what is Tao supposed to do? Nothing.
- If you're on hiatus, TELL ME! By the way, I myself will be on hiatus from Christmas to the beginning of February. I may or may not temporarily shut down this RPG
- Follow the application below, and post it when you're applying. Also post the bits asterisked onto your character's profile page when I accept you.
- Be active! If you haven't posted anything in 7 days, I'll be there, unless you have told me before
- This is in third person POV. When talking OOC, use brackets ()
- Favourite this to be counted
Teacher and Staff
Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Biology): G.Na
Maths: Lee Seung Gi
History (Ancient and Modern): Park Jin Young (JYP)
Vocals: Lee Seon Wong (Epik High: Tablo)
Dance: Choi Jin (Epik High: Mithra Jin)
Rapping: Kim Jung Sik (Epik High: DJ Tukutz
School Nurse: Lee Jieun (IU)
Your age: (Just above or below 15. I don't want little kids RP-ing )
Age: (15-18)
Year: 1st year (15/16), 2nd year (16/17), 3rd year (17/18). [Since I live in Australia, this is going by Aussie ways!]
uality: , Yuri or Straight?
Brief Personality:
Brief Background:
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