►> To join; comment on this story saying:
[ _I'd like~, I'd like~, I'd like~, to be .. _idol's/actor/ulzzang name. ]
> ex.
_I'd like~, I'd like~, I'd like~ to be Jr from JJProject.
►> Make a Facebook within 5 days maxium. We will only reserve for a week, if asked.
►> Please facebook link in comments.
►> We allow and yuri. /does not apply for WGM
►> Please be online atleast twice a week and if not please tell us when you are leaving or on hiatus.
►> is okay don't be shy. But there are people who want to stay innocent (._.V), so try to keep it in the room.
►> Pregenancy is allowed; but keep it consentful and wait a minimum of 9 days.
►> SUBSCRIBE TO THIS STORY, for updates.
►> One account per person. You may be able to switch 3 times.
►> DO NOT add outsiders
►> Put;
@American-triple-oh rp
in your "About Me"
►> Add all the admins; ...and if we don't add you into the groups remind us OTLL
Drama is allowed however, keep it to a minimum, we don't want you to leave because of a certain person
Bullying is allowed as well however keep it to a minimum. We understand that this is a role play however, like in real life, there are consequences for being a bully.
Keep the drama in role play not out of character. We don't like out of character drama as in you can rant in out of character, but if you start drama that's in out of character, JB will personally come to where you live and whip your butts.
[ clickeu there^ ]
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