1. There will be no character doubles!!
2.there will be no fighting within the chat! If you are having problems with a member please let me (softkjm) or a future admin know! must!! Be active!! If you aren’t active within 5 days you will be removed! Please let me know if you are going to be on hiatus!
4. Please PM me to let me know your character and what position you would like to be in! I will let you know if they are open!
5.if anyone tries to take my place or another future admins place will be removed!
6.there will be a 5 day relationship block! is only allowed at certain times or between PM’s.
7. You must be at least 13 years old!!
8. Please don’t get offended if someone jokes unless it is a slur against you as a person, you may bring it to me to check on and I will take appropriate action!
9. If you are going to bring discord to this chat please remove yourself.
10. Any armies must be a neutral army please!! Armies have been problematic lately I just don’t want any fighting in the chat!
11. I will be the king and main admin therefore any changes to the chat will be made by me alone!
12. Have fun!! Please enjoy the chat and each other!
To apply: reblog this post (and like if you want! ^-^) message me on here @ softkjm tumblr @ rapmonfapmon or on kik @ softkjm with you’re real life nickname, character, age , uality, roleplay race (vampire, super hero, prince etc) and please wait patiently!
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