Every society is built on the backs of the repressed many, yet ruled by the select few.
Here, those select few represent the wealthiest, most powerful families in modern day society. There are three who lead the entertaiment, business, and food industries; and two who happen to be Political leaders. If you are a member of these families, a ceo of a fortune 500 company, or someone trying to work your way up, you are permitted to enter the Garden of Eden: an all-inclusive island resort with its own facilities, police department, and rules. Only the elites are allowed, and among elites permitted to stay, there are four ranks by which the islanders are sorted.
Founders, the Council, Board members, and Pledges.
♔ Founders: They are direct descendants of the original five families who founded the secret society, they are therefore the secretkeepers, and are in charge of vetting the new families who enter Eden. They carry immense power as the brains behind the head of industry and heads of government. If a family seeks to snatch a founders position, they have to resort to exploiting other Founders secrets until the new family successfully overthrows the old Founder's reign.
♤the Council: They are descendants as well, but instead of being a head of the family, they are the extended family members. They are usually tasked with being the face of companies, a lower-tier member of royal courts, or royal families of smaller countries (Think the royal family of Zimbabwe and such) and are in charge of the overall upkeep up the facade (Think CEO's, they run the company so that it looks good in the public eye). They are the Founders second-in-command, but are not allowed to know the secrets that the Founders know.
✴Board Members: They are family members or close friends who are married in or not related by blood, and are higher ups in the companies (COO, CFO) who are mainly tasked with what is branded the dirty work; aka making money moves that could solidify or disintegrate other companies. (Making them go bankrupt, selling scandals, etc etc.) They only carry out orders given to them by the Founders or Council Members.
❧Pledges: New money families who are allowed to visit Eden and enjoy the resort, and aren't allowed any real power yet, instead focusing on networking and trying to make their family move up in ranks. In order to successfully move up, there will be tests administered and if failed you get three chances to succeed and if not, you remain a pledge. (BigHit becoming a powerhouse company is an example of when a new money company makes it big.) The second password is secreto. If you are a new money family hoping to move up in status, please contact an admin to see the test you will have to pass.
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