001 // Favoriting the rp is a must, upvoting is optional but highly appreciated.
002 // There is a max limit of four(4) characters, the second you get by upvoting, the third you get by reaching a 100 posts on both first and second and the fourth you get by reffering atleast two(2) people.- If you get the referall before reaching 100 posts with your first two characters, then you may get your third, but for the last character you will have to have 100 posts with at least two characters.
- If you are reffered here, and you have been reffered by multiple people, you may put atleast two people that referred you. They will both gain the referal bonus.
003 // Comment the full name of the face claim you would like, I don't know everyone.
004 // If you are leaving do not leave a comment below, please pm an admin(perferabbly Yongsun) and let us know.
005 // Hiatus are allowed for 1 week up to 3 weeks, indefinite hiatus are not welcome. Sorry.
006 // You must post in the rooms at least once a week.
007 // Inactivity is set to 10 days, if you fall inactive you will be given a 24 hour warning before being removed from the rp.
008 // This is an au rp, you are not idols and you do not know everyone. You will need to introduce yourself when first posting in the chat rooms, or meeting someone new. The password is jingle bells
009 // All orientations, povs and nationalities are welcome here!- 010 // Favorite, Comment and Apply!
Name // (ex. Kim Yongsun)
Nickname // (optional - ex. Solar)
Age // (ex. 28)
Orientation // (ex. Biual)
Occupation // (ex. store owner)
Referred // (username here)
Password // (rules)
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