
Last post 1 hour ago


Founded centuries ago by a group of powerful mages, Ashridge Academy was established as a sanctuary for magical beings of all kinds. Hidden in the misty mountains, it was designed to promote learning, collaboration, and the harmonious coexistence of different creatures. Over the years, the academy has evolved, incorporating new magical disciplines and adapting to the needs of each generation of students.

Legend has it that the academy was built around a sacred site where ancient spirits still linger, lending the school its unique energy. Through trials and triumphs, Ashridge has become a beacon of knowledge and camaraderie, fostering friendships and adventures that span realms and generations.

Today, Ashridge Academy stands proud, welcoming students to continue the legacy of magic, discovery, and friendship that has defined its history for centuries.



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lullaby 8 hours ago
DNABleached 8 hours ago
applying for key <3
morsmordre 10 hours ago
will claim siyeon in the morning
zabimaru 13 hours ago
will be claiming natty later!
cer_berus 13 hours ago
+ fav & upvoted.
my main muse is pre-reserved. I'll come back if I find another character I'd be interested in playing. thank you!
euphrosyne 13 hours ago
will claim yunjin later!
shaboom 13 hours ago
grr.. okay may i reserve kim yerim, student, mermaid pls
xsoulx 13 hours ago
Applying for Inguk.

Love the layout!
creamsoda 13 hours ago
yang jeongin student kitsune <3
nubile 13 hours ago
will claim chaewon later! โ™ก
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