
Last post 8 years ago
Tags roleplay   fun   exo   matchmaking   1stpov   missa   nonau  

immortelle roleplay


Main Image
Line texture







           - name of character
           - group
           - ideal type
           - timezone


(obey these rules)

01. Favorite this roleplay. Upvoting is optional but will be appreciated~
02. 1 character per person, please. Do inform the admins if you choose to roleplay for 2 characters and state reasons why.
03. Please be active at least 3 times in a week. Reminder: Every activity check is held monthly, usually on our monthsary. 
04. /Yuri is a no-no. Therefore, mpreg isn't allowed.
05. Password is why you love wang feifei your favorite kpop song.
06. no bashing, bullying, , killing and suicide. no, just no.
07. Use brackets as how you prefer when you're talking in OOC. OOC drama is not prohibited.
08. 1stpov only, thank you.
09. is allowed only on wall, pm or rated room. some people wish to keep themselves innocent. like me. /shot
10. Notify at least an admin if you're going on hiatus, 4 days of inactivity will lead you to get  kicked out. why 4? cuz 4 means die. /slapped
11. Please don't be biased. Feifei dislikes it. Talk to everyone. don't come and hug my knee saying that you're lonely even actually you're the one whos being so choosy
12. Oh, and this is non-au rp.
an idol. We're the miss a!

How to join

01. Look for the character of your desire in our masterlist.
02. Fill in the application form. 
03. Comment down if the character you wish isn't here, we'll be more than glad to add it for you.
04. Reservation ends in 3 days, so you better hurry.
05. If possible, we'll matchmake you by the informations you've put into the form. We'll try our best!
06. Once accepted, put a picture on your display image.
07. Also, edit your about me section! Make it pretty and pleasant~
08. Talk to everyone! Say hiiiii~
09. Enjoy your stay here o/




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Nekoma01 8 years ago
I'll be on hiatus from 10 to 20
Nekoma01 9 years ago
applied as Kai
Nekoma01 9 years ago
can I apply as kai since the current one is inactive
xiaoxuebo 9 years ago
I could help out and be an admin^^
StupidLove 9 years ago
can i be suzy ?
ShomoShownu 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Yongguk is leaving. too many rp's
dead_inactive 10 years ago
Applied as Eunji
--vikseu 11 years ago
can you add yoonjo from hello venus pwease.
Unique-ness 11 years ago
i'm sorry but lime is leaving. *le bows bows*
Ryoku08 11 years ago
Could you add Amber from F(x) please?
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