
Admin(s)Rebirth and perfume
Last post 11 years ago
Tags roleplay   thirdpov   snsd   3rdpov   aurp   avatar  

( rules and regulations ) ;

( `001 ) walls are for ooc use only
( `002 ) one account per person //  everyone must be super active. you must post at least five times each week. try to be active everyday if you can-inactive is considered going three days without a post. if you are a avatar, well, try to be on everyday. 
( `003 ) no out of character drama / no bashing of other players. 
( `004 )  and yuri is allowed, but limited. no pregnencies/marriages (yet).
( `005 ) no god modding. nothing of the sort. i do not want you controlling anything other than yourself.
( `006 )  post at least three lines each time. do not however, drown people in detail. unless you are fighting. then be descriptive enough that there is no confusion. try to return whatever you recieve.
( `007 ) this is a third point-of-view semi para au roleplay. i highly encourage making extensive profiles and background stories. make relationships with one and other. the avatars must have a connection with every single roleplayer. they can divide up who they know in half. for example, one avatar makes friends with all the girls and the other one can make friends with all the boys. how you divide it up is up to you two.
( `008 ) try and talk to everyone, don't ignore people

( join our world ) ;

read the 'extras' page before applying. i'll be able to tell if you did or didn't.

( `001 ) idols name and age:
( `002 ) element or nonbender:
( `003 ) nonbenders only: style of fighting?
( `004 ) novice or master?

( `005 ) job? optional, but suggested.
( `006 ) pro bender? yes or no.


Avatar application (  1 spot still open).
( `001 )  idols name: age: 17
( `002 ) which kingdom where you born into?
( `003 ) which of the four elements do you want to control?   air and earth bending left







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RoseThornArchive 10 years ago
chris is leaving sorry
too many rps
OKIRIBITMO 11 years ago
sorry, seohyun is leaving. >.< Too many roleplays....
yeminjirin 11 years ago
add gp basic please.
ItsMin 11 years ago
Can I apply as an ulzzang??
greenbear 11 years ago
sorry i'm leaving as ken
redzebra21 11 years ago
Sorry please extend my hiatus for another week, going on another vacation >.<
calligraphy 11 years ago
Omg for the kai's application I meant to put novice. sorry for the incovinence.
Polemistis 11 years ago
Applied as Hyeri
JesSicachu 11 years ago
just applied as baekhyun! this rp is amazing omfg.
redzebra21 11 years ago
Sorry, Sulli will be on hiatus from the 14th to the 19th
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