1. Please favorite this roleplay.
2. Add in comment (eg: Roleplaying as *name of idol* and password : *password keys*)
3. Go to 'Masterlist' and apply the character you want. Add in the password too.
4. Wait until you are accepted. Once you are accepted, you can enjoy your life as a student in XOXO High School.
Password : ILoveAdminKimJongIn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAVE FUN STUDENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. NO bashing allowed. Even if you created enemy with some of the students PLEASE don't bash them. But if you bash, YOU'LL GET KICKED OUT.
2. If you are going to be inactive, please inform us at the comments below.
3. NO ALLOWED. The worst you can do is KISS. Not more than that.
4. The limit of inactivity is A WEEK. If you are going to be inactive more than a week, you need to inform us.
5. Nothing more ! So HAVE FUN IN XOXO HIGH SCHOOL <3
- Admin Park Chan Yeol -
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