
Last post 10 years ago
Tags kpop  



001must favorite the roleplay or i'll ignore your app.

0021st and 3rd pov are fine. but i prefer 1st.

003talk in english only. you can talk in a different language in ooc.

004talk in ooc by using brackets or go in the ooc room to have a chat there.

005must be active for 10 days.if i see the red sign by your name you're out.

no warnings. i'm sorreh.

006comment below if your character in the masterlist.

007leaving?hiatus? inform one of the admins so they'll know,

008 must in pms only.we have innocent people me.*slapped*

009can only reserve a character for at least 2 days only.

010drama is not allowed.even ooc drama. 

011respect nice. esp towards the admins.

012one character per soul.if i catch you with 2're out.

013do not ask the 'matchmaking' admins to pair you up.cause we know you

guise want to be paired badly. so now worries and be patient.

014don't be bias and talk to everyone.

015this is a nonau roleplay so you're an idol/actor/actress/ulzzang

016no ,killing,suicide,etc..or you'll be kicked out.

017when applied, comment below who you applied as.

018,yuri are fine, think about the straight people too.

019there is an application . there's no password.

020have fun ! (:



NAME:(character's name)

AGE:(idol's real age)

ORIENTATION:(idol's uality)

TIMEZONE:(gtm format)

DO YOU WANT TO BE PAIRED?:(yes or no?)




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polarlight 11 years ago
krystal is leaving.
rainbows 11 years ago
sulli left
PeachBlossom 11 years ago
Can I be admin? (Naeun) I can get this place started ^-^
Oeuvre 11 years ago
sorry, yuri
adequate 11 years ago
lizzy left ...
hunhan forever, right ? ; ~ ;
_seobaby20 11 years ago
Please put Jessica hiatus, pleasee :)) until September 1:)

[] I'm so busy in school this week ;;
Knightmare 11 years ago
kris is leaving. i'm sorry ; ;
_xiuhan 11 years ago
Kai left e n e
-monochrome 11 years ago
Can you add Nam Woong to the masterlist?
_seobaby20 11 years ago
Applied as Jessica! :D

** I wanna be a co-admin, pretty please ? ^.^
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