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Tags shinee   exo   3rdpov   auroleplay   entertainment  



favorite is a must upvote is optional. if you don't favorite then your application will be invalid.                               no bashing. please be respectful of other roleplayers & the admins as well.                 everyone starts out as trainees except for those who apply to be teachers (vocal, acting, dancing, etc.)                                   you have 3 warnings of inactivity and you're out. unless you're on either a semi-hiatus or hiatus.                               
trainees will make their debut after 2-3 weeks but if you have inactive by your name, the time for you will start from the beginning. (ex: it's been 2 weeks and you're getting closer to your debut but you have "inactive" by your name, you won't be able to debut and will have to wait another 2-3 weeks for your debut.
comment the character you want to be in the comments and they'll be added to the masterlist. you'll be able to change your characters name to their stage name they use in real life But only after they debut.

password: never give up



your points can also effect your debut. (ex: if your debut was just a few days away and were inactive, but you have 100 points and up, you can still make your debut.)                         is not aloud. sorry but this is an entertainment company.                             if you're speaking ooc please use ([] () {}) brackets.             this is a 3rd pov roleplay. no 1st pov please.                     going on a semi-hiatus, hiatus or leaving? tell the main admin.
make sure to have your character's name, age, job (idol or teacher), background, personality, relationship status and uality on their profile.     please keep the ooc to a minimum when roleplaying with someone. that's what the ooc room is for.                         lastly, have fun and post in rooms to gain points. :)





{Application (trainees) 
characters name: (Real name)    age: (14-25)                           background: (what made your character want to join toxic ent.?) personality:                       uality:                       password: (looking for the password? ^^ highlight this whole layout.)


{application (teachers)
characters name: (real name)    age: (26 and over)                  subject: (vocal, dancing, acting, etc.)                         background: (how they got their job at toxic and what made them want to join the company as a teacher.)                            uality:                       password:(looking for the password? ^^ highlight this whole layout.)    



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--BaekkieBoo 11 years ago
Can you add D.O from Exo Please?~
And can I please be an admin?~ :) Thank You~
caffeine_junkie 11 years ago
Can you add Junhyung from BEAST, please? :)

+can I be admin? :o
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