- Please do not bash other roleplayers OOC. If your character is a natural douchebag, keep the douchery to the character and only the character, ne?
- Write in para/semi-para format please!
- One character per roleplayer!
- I will pick admins based on their activity rate and how well they do at introducing newer roleplayers into the group.
- Be nice to newbies!
- You must be active at least once a week. If you're inactive for more than seven days, I will be notified and you'll be given a warning. Hiatuses should be noted in advance, however, if it's an unexpected reason (i.e., you get grounded and cant get to a computer) you can simply message me once you're back, and we'll sort everything out!
- No homophobia, please? I'm not saying this has to be a totally hetero or totally homo roleplay. I'd like to see a mix of both, but don't bash someone for making a character gay, okay?
- Please have fun and message me with any questions you may have!
- If the character you want isn't in the masterlist, leave a comment and I'll be sure to add them in so you can apply!
- No new accounts are required for this roleplay. It's in experimental stages at the moment, so if new accounts are required later, I'll be sure to notify everyone and make sure that a smooth transition is made, okay?
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