Now then, on to the important stuff like rules and proper etiquette.
RP Rules
Two accounts is the limit per human.
One character change per account.
If your character is dead, you can't RP.
Killing your character in order to change is acceptable, but do it tastefully. With lots of details.
No bashing. Or your character's skull gets bashed in on your way out of the roleplay.
Any OOC talk outside the OOC group will be (([[{{inside brackets}}]])).
No godmodding. Or your character gets abused in whatever way the first admin to catch you sees fit.
This is an AU, 3rd POV PARA roleplay. If you don't understand what that means, then you probably shouldn't be here anyway.
No OOC bull or you get canned. For anyone who doesn't know what canned means, see the 'No bashing' rule, then imagine something worse.
NO. BABIES. That was TWO periods. Pregnancy or babies of any sort in this roleplay are simply unheard of. Babies in this world come from a nice little stork. And there's a guard on the roof with a bazooka at all times to deter said stork from stopping by. That said, the stork does not visit and will NOT be delivering any babies.
Do you age? Yes. If it is your character's birthday, they age one year accordingly.
Disrespect the admins and get kicked out immediately. Groveling and possibly bribary is required to be reinstated.
Yes, you can . Girl/girl. Boy/boy. Girl/boy. Boy/girl. Slave/slave. Master/master. Master/slave. Slave/master? All allowed, all welcome. Please girls touch each other omg the world needs more yuri. NEEDS it.
As far as is concerned...
Of course is allowed, this is a ing Master/Slave Roleplay. If you're a slave type, you automatically give consent for your character to be by a master.
HOWEVER! A master who plans on a slave must first warn that person in pm so they know it's coming. Know that the master of a slave you may very well retaliate.
A master who wants to try to another master shall prepare themselves for any reprocussions the intended victim may have for them if you fail.
A master must ask permission OOC in order to attempt of another master.
Slave/slave must have permission of both parties. If/When the master(s) find out, you're on your own.
Any slave so bold as to attempt to a master must first obtain permission, and prepare themselves to face the wrath of that master and your own, if you are dumb enough to go after a different one.
Respect the other RPers. We're all human here so treat everyone else the way you'd like them to treat you. Or get the out.
The admins are god/zeus/oden/jupiter/pickyourowngod. We're the humans in charge. We brought this roleplay to life and we will take you right out of it.
Master/Slave Rules
All slaves obey all masters.
Masters are free to do as they please at all times. They must obey Key, the head master. Do not cross Key unless you're willing to lose your big balls.
Masters can own up to FOUR slaves exclusively. Other masters must ask permission to play with those slaves. But that permission can be in pm to keep the slave in the dark.
No stealing slaves. Masters may reserve the right to you up if you touch their property without their permission.
Slaves can be used to settle arguments between masters, or as general currency.
Slaves may have have relationships with each other IF their master(s) agree. Slaves may get married with the same conditions.
How To Apply
As goes with roleplays, favorite it. You won't be approved unless you're favorited.
Apply like this: May I please be -insert name*- from -insert group- as a -insert rank**-, oh great one?
*if the character is not listed in the masterlist, simply comment and they will be added*
**see ranks page for further information on each rank**
Then, provide a 7-10 line writing sample. Slaves, write being abused. Servants and Pets, write pleasuring someone or being ed. Masters, write mastering or punishing someone.
'Why?' You might ask yourselves. Because quality ing counts. If you can't write a scene involving one or any of those scenarios, what the are you doing reading any of this for a Roleplay with and MASTER/SLAVE themes?
That said, we're open to helping those with mechanical issues as far as writing. If you really want to join but have trouble with grammar, please apply and we will evaluate your sample.
The last thing to add in your application is the password for your rank.
Slaves: I am at your disposal, Master.
Servants: Play with me, Master.
Masters: Obey me, .
Example application:
May I please be Kris from EXO-M as a slave, oh great one?
Kris pulled against his restraints with bruised, weakened arms, earning himself a snicker from his captor, who came closer. Easily dodging a kick, the man hovered over Kris to his cut lip and whisper, "That'll cost you, ." With no more words, the man pushed his thick inside Kris's untouched hole and ed him hard and fast. Kris screamed for him to stop, but after several minutes his body betrayed him. In horror, Kris hardened himself, as his touched his hard on. "Dumber than I thought, to think I'd let you ," the man smirked with satisfaction and slipped a metal ring around Kri's .
I am at your disposal, Master.
Note: The writing sample is 7 lines long in an AFF comment box when viewed from a computer. This is the standard size for the required sample.
Once you've completed application, and been approved, THEN you make your account pretty.
In your About Me section: The first thing is to be '@Deceptions RP'
Following that is your timezone. Let's all be coherent and use GMT. If you don't know your GMT, look it up.
The next and final piece of your About Me will be your bio. Be creative and detailed but we don't need a novel.
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