
Admin(s)ahn-soojung and IGotABoy_07
Last post 10 years ago
Tags 3rdpov   1stpov   nonau   crack   anyual  
Application ( comment this below,  )
Name : ( real name )
Orientation : ( straight, foodual like me, bi, whatever )
Timezone :  ( gmt # )
Credit:  < a tori creation >

Reservations only last for two (2) days. If you want to apply as Co-Administrator
please write down a love letter for me /high kicked to planet Goldliocks; JK! Just put it
on your application ( e.g. I want to be Co-Admin because I am active BLAH ... )


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redzebra21 10 years ago
sorry, Minho is leaving
qxrlsqenerxtion 10 years ago
name: jessica jung
orientation: bedual
timezone: gmt +8
ephxmeral 10 years ago
suzy left.
consumptions 10 years ago
name: kim kibum
orientation: bifabual orz I mean biual
timezone: gmt -5
redzebra21 10 years ago
name - lee minho
orientation - straight
timezone - gmt -8
consumptions 10 years ago
can i reserve dat doorlock thing plz
i mean key
thank you o/
ephxmeral 10 years ago
suzy will be on semi-hiatus until the third week of october.
kureabaeks 10 years ago
shoelli is leaving sorry e u e
had fun with soojung here tho thanks /bows/
cheriblossom 10 years ago
sehun left, sorry o n o
ahn-soojung [A] 10 years ago
— reservations will end after whenever i wanted to.
if you want to extend, tell me, i'm just here, sittin' in
the corner of awesomeness & bombdiggity ( //xoxo:
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