
Last post 10 years ago
Status [M]
Tags exo       3rdpov   1stpov   nonau  



(in here lies your rules )
read them and weep



001.  A G E  L I M I T  

For ages 16 and up only please. Provide us with a photocopy of your birth

certificate. Nah, I'm just kidding. Seriously though, do join if you're 16 and

up. If you're 15 and under and you think that you can handle this rp's nature

then feel free to join. Just don't blame us for corrupting your innocence.The admins

will give you a warm welcome ( if you know what I mean ).



Guys, this is a roleplay with Paraphilia (ual es, google it up if you 

have to) as its theme. We expect that you know how to write  because if 

you don't, then what's the point of joining this roleplay?


003.  C A N O N  R P 

Beneath the Sheets: Uncut Edition is a NON-AU roleplay. I'm hoping I don't

need to explain this one further. 


004.  D O U B L E  A C C O U N T

You can only get your second account if you have been with us for one month

or more. Ask permission from le admins first so we can deem you worthy active

enough to get a second account. If you're not deemed worthy for a second

account, we're giving you one week to prove to us that you are. AND NO 

SNEAKING OF SECOND ACCOUNTS. I will cut you e __ e


005.  O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R 

To indicate if you're speaking in OOC, use brackets or parentheses, okay? We

admins will personally breathe fire on you if you don't use it. Learn your brackets

and the difference between IC and OOC. NO OOC DRAMA GDI. Once you start some

OOC , we will kick you out immediately.


006.  R E S P E CT  E V E R Y O N E

Respect. If you want to be treated the right way, then respect everyone - admins

and members alike. Need I say more?  


007.  D R A M A 

Drama is allowed but keep in mind that not everyone likes drama. We don't

want characters to leave because his fragile heart can't take too much

drama. And like what rule 5 says, this RP does not tolerate OOC drama. You start

one, you're out.


008.  A C T I V I T Y 

Beneath the Sheets: Uncut Edition will be conducting an activity check once every two 

weeks. These activity checks come with a twist. What twist? Join us and find out

for yourself. maybe


009.  H I A T U S  A N D  L E A V I N G 

Before going on a hiatus, please inform one of the admins first. You can only 

go on a hiatus for as long as a month. We'll allow you a longer one if you give us

a valid reason. Likewise, before you leave, inform the admins. It's rude to leave 

without saying anything. Comment if you plan to leave.


010.  R E L A T I O N S H I P  A N D  M A R R I A G E

We allow all types of relationship (open, closed, complicated and married).

The roleplay doesn't allow M-Preg. We can't have babies running around in a

place like this.


011.  S T R I K E  S Y S T E M 

We incorporate the five-strike system. Five strikes (or rulebreaks), then you're

out of this rp. Don't be a badass and break rules, alright? It's frowned upon.


012.  F A V O U R I T E  A N D  U P V O T E

Favourite is a must! upvotes are well, loved. If you don't, your application will be rejected nicely until

you do it. Please and thank you! Password is Bacon is le ultimate top. (luhan dont you dare change this) 







     “HOW TO JOIN”    


01. Favourite and (optional)upvote 
( The admins will be checking this. If you don't, your application
will be rejected. )
02. Check the masterlist
( If the character you want isn't in the master list, feel free
to apply as him and we will gladly add him to the roster. )
03. Format
( Use this format as a guide when applying:

Password <3

The password is located somewhere in this thread. Good
luck looking for it.)
Real Password: Baekhyun is le ultimate top
profile credit : harlequin.



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Hey_Baby 10 years ago
I had lots of fun here but 5Zic is leaving! Thank you so much for accepting me c:
jageun 10 years ago
taehyung left-- finally orz
01963b1ab2f32f4c72fc 10 years ago
sungjong left :c
had lots of fun here, and loved the concept <33
message and I'd love to join another one of your roleplays!!
mainly_me 10 years ago
Youngmin left ;;
-sarangehaeyo 10 years ago
Kwang left.
Sorry sorry sorry~ /dances;
No, really sorry though. ; ; </3
PikaJun 10 years ago
Myungsoo is leaving. Sorry Sungyeol.
Seoppiebutt 11 years ago
Chen left onononono
874e04e489748dae27ec 11 years ago
Jongsuk left
Jejung 11 years ago
tao is leaving.
disneytastic 11 years ago
Jaehyo left with Ren
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