
Last post 10 years ago
Tags roleplay   matchmaking   1stpov   nonau  




one// favorite the roleplay.

two// no ooc drama/ use brackets when speaking ooc.

three// five days of inactivity equals me kicking your out.

four// all ualities allowed. But if the gets overboard, I'll have to limit it.

three// in on walls only.

five// be active. I dont want an inactive rp.

six// talk to everyone. dont be biased towards other people.


 { how to apply }




ideal type:





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wynnieluvspooh 10 years ago
applied o/
drizzly 10 years ago
suzy's leaving.
-kreasetine 10 years ago
Just realized that Yoona was already taken, so applied for Chen instead. ^^"
redlight 10 years ago
Can you add the ulzzang park yonghee? cx

+ can we have 2 characters? If so, please reserve kyungsoo for me. cx
--cheesecake 10 years ago
applied as daehyun

+ co-admin? i can help advertise too or something
-kreasetine 10 years ago
Applied as Yoona~ ^^
[comment deleted by owner]
saturday 10 years ago
do you guys accept ullzangs?
-lipsaddicter 10 years ago
Apply as nana
c17e4f494944068f226f 10 years ago
applied. o/
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