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Tags roleplay     3rdpov   idols   school   straights  
          the rules of this roleplay. follow ehms
upvote and favorite this roleplay. or else you won't be accpeted in to this roleplay at all. -puh-lease -

二 this is an pure third pov roleplay. so no first, unless used on walls discussing plots. and used in both the occ room or spam room, for activity post points.

三 this roleplay is more likely base on school, and love. if you're wanting to do . go straight to the club or do it where ever.. but i prefer you to do it in pms.

& yuri is allow. but i know for sure, tons of people would strongly prefer straights. like me.

五 one liners aren't allow. neither is god-modding.
plots are only allow in this roleplay. there will be no going with the flow what so evers. if i find that here you'll be shut down immediately.
drama is allow. but bashing is totally a total big deal. so show some respect.
having kids isn't allow. not because i don't want to see a happy couples having kids, but than on the other hand. you're in school.
please don't be a picky person in this roleplay, and only reply to those you like. it's not nice, nor it's consider hatin'.
profiles must be created once arrival. or else.
十一 let admins greet you first, before you start to roleplay with anyone else.
十二 once become a couple. please contact us admins immediately.
十三 once deativating. please clear your character first, and leave the rest for the admins to finish.
十四 once going on hiatus or semi-hiatus contact us admins.
十六 no killing or . unless the others willing to let it happen. other than that, it's a big no no.

十七 inactivity last only 3 days. so please keep active people. summer is just around the corner.

十八 you must have 50 post in a room or more. if not the same room is created for you for a reason. but here's the thing. it won't be your savior forever.

十九 no more than one acc. per a person.

二十 profiles must be written in long sentences.
三十 please know, that here you must be taking classes. there will be a blog that will explain everything about it.

四十 if you get your application incorrect, note you'll be denied. and must wait 24 hours before applying.

五十 password : love or lust? ( i want you to choose one. don't just put 'love or lust' c'mon please choose one i'm sure you're clever enough to know it.

六十 please attend to never events that comes out. even if you're busy or not.

七十 add this to your profile.
〔 ❋ playful kiss ┊ name〕
admins. - activity check - events - announcements.





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flowerboys- 10 years ago
Are you going to open this soon? :)
73b302d593f45aed526e 10 years ago
ooh this place looks cool~ can i reserve or are you closed? ouo;
undefeated 11 years ago
idk who to be. u n u
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