❝one - favorite and upvote this roleplay
❝two - bash? you're out
❝three - be active. five times a week. nobody likes a dead roleplay
❝four - apply in the following format orkreasetalwillburnyoutoashes 'rolling around the beach as 'idolname' of 'group'
❝five - y time in rated m rooms only
❝six - and yuri are allowed, but limited
❝seven - girls and boys will live in their dorms until they form a couple, then they will move into a house
❝eight - hiatus or leaving? tell an admin
❝nine - there will be events from time to time, so do check in
❝ten - couples have to confess that they are in a relationship officially if they want to get a room
❝eleven - if you get more than one complaint from the other rp-ers, you're dead meat.
❝one - read the rules yet?
❝two - check the masterlist for desired character
❝three - apply in the format, then also add the password 'chocolate'
❝four - if your desired character is not in the masterlist. comment saying 'idolname' of 'group' is not in the masterlist
❝five - start having fun
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