01. only straight people! This is a non-au roleplay (meaning, you're an idol)
02. you need to be active at least 3 times per week (if you're going on a hiatus please tell us)
03. be nice and respectful to each other ( no drama! no fights!)
04. 1st pov and 3rd pov is alright (if you talk personal stuff then please use brackets)
05. the password is love need to be sweet
06. you can use two characters if you want to
07. is allowed in pm and wall (no !)
08. Talk to everyone okay. Don't be biased. If you failed to do the Activity Check, you will be removed immediately.
09, please write in the comments if we need to add someone (reservations are up to 48 hours only. If you failed to apply, then it's open to anyone)
10. must favourite this roleplay. upvote is optional but please do
the application form:
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