
Last post 10 years ago
Status [M]
Tags   mpreg   slavemaster   kinks   3rdpovand1stpov  

Rules are just something you have to live with, follow or be kicked out.
The golden rule, only do M rated stuff in the rooms marked M! 

1. No , unless both people PM Junhyung tell him its okay. Okay? Don't follow? Then you will be kicked right away.. Both of you will. Okay. 

2. No godmodding, you are not god here. Junhyung is okay. 

3. Try to reply to everyone, I know sometimes you just don't see the post. I've done that before. 

4. 2 accounts per person, but you can't be in the same group. If you are Luhan you can't be Sehun. (note: Due to the lack of Master/Keepers we are allowing you to have 3 accounts if one or more is a master or keeper...)

5. M-preg is allowed, but follow the rules on the Pregnancy page. 

6. Don't buy someone if you are going to run around on them and not give them any attention. If this happens Junhyung will remove that person from you and you will not be refund your points. 

7. If you are having any problems at all, no matter what it is please tell Junhyung or Ren. We are here to help you, we don't bite... unless you like it. >:D

8. The password is spankme 

9. Try to roleplay in 3pov, not 1st. Although 1st is welcomed too. 

10. Once your inactive sign come out (it takes 15 day's) you will be warned. If you don't respond within 2 day's you will be removed. 

11. Enjoy your self here~ If you aren't tell Junhyung or Ren.


To apply, if you don't follow this I will not accept you. 

1. Subscribe. Yes I will accept you without this, but I will tell you to do it, if you don't do it within 2 days I will kick you out. Okay? Okay. 

2. Visit the wishlist, please make our wishes come true! 

3. View the positions list, I will know if you haven't. Its obvious. Okay. Make sure you read the whole page.. or at least the last line.

4. Apply with this forum. 

-Small Bio (can be 2-3 lines or how ever long)
-Position (please very the page for it) 
-Time zone
-The POV you mostly right in


-N: Yong Junhyung
-B: Junhyung is the head of everyone. He can be mean (most to everyone else) but also sweet and loving to his slaves and maids. He enjoys a lot of x and cuddling, especally cuddling that is his favorite. 
-A: 26 (You don't have to use the idol's real, you can change it!)
-P: Admin Keeper
-TZ: GMT-7
-POV: 3rd
-P: Go find me~





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prfction 10 years ago
zelo left :(
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Since the new rp is up and I'm now a part of it, Kris is leaving
Niamyah 10 years ago
V is leaving, I'm Sorry, i didn't even get to write one post. Right when i joined stuff came up.
sujushineelover27 10 years ago
i forgot this applied as onew
kaidyo8812 10 years ago
applied as D.O
UKELELESareCOOL 10 years ago
Mark is leavening, mianhae;;
HaSemYu 10 years ago
Applied as Henry Lau :3
megaverse 10 years ago
Junho left
TheExoticSky 10 years ago
Sorry but D.O, Key and Jinyoung left
Soul_mus1c 10 years ago
Can I reserve taemin?
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