﹟ ㅤconfessions

let something off your chest! we will not publish targeted bashing. if you want your confession to stay private put a * at the beginning / end of your confession so we won't publish it! (click title to confess.)
jackson wang. 6 years ago
jeon jeongguk. [A] 6 years ago
# updated
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@kim namjoon. AND I LOVE YOUUUUUUU
kim namjoon. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. I LOVE YOU PARK CHANYEOL
park jamie. 6 years ago
oh my gosh :C i just saw this
i am crying.. you're so sweet, chanyeol. i love you, sweet potato! never change <3
kim seokwoo. 6 years ago
chanyeol we love you so much
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
im soff for you
min yoongi. 6 years ago
i'm soff for chanyeol
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
Since this seems to be a theme of everyone here, I guess I'll follow the trend because #follower. Anywho- I'd like to dedicate my 1k to everyone here. At the end of the day, we all make the world (and this rp) go round and I'd like to thank every single one of you for contributing to this wonderful environment that we inhabit. Of course, you all are important to me, but I'd like to give a few a little shoutout because I'm awkward and don't know how to do these things.

To Jamie, My little Chipmunk ;;; thank you for being you. You're amazing, beautiful, and so kind to me. I could never thank you enough for just being yourself. You treat me like a prince and you're genuinely interested in me as a person. As silly as it sounds, I think I've found out who I truly am through you and I can't thank you enough. Never change. Thank you.

To Jimin, you're such a little , but I love you for it. Though we might go at each other's throats in a competitive setting, there are always times that enforce an equilibrium where we're kind to one another. I admire how devoted you are to your group and how much you love them. You're a saint. Thank you.

To Namjoon, Nams ;;; You're honestly like the dad of the rp. I mean that in the best way possible! You treat everyone in a kind and welcoming manner, and it really shows with just how many people love and adore you. You treat everyone as if they were one of your members and that's so admirable. Thank you.

To Shuhua, Shu Shu <3. A rookie on the stage, but a queen in everyone's hearts. You're such an angel and I literally cannot express just how sweet you are. You're unbelievably kind to me. Thank you.

To Seokwoo, Woo. I could write an entire book about how much of a wonderful person you truly are. I wish I was joking. You treat everyone with respect and you are as welcoming as they come. You are a crucial, integral part of this place. Thank you for being you.

To Seulgi, Seul. Literally an angel. I cannot express just how much of a sweetie pie you are. You've gone on everyone's wall and left cute messages for them with that adorable gif- ohgodimgushingthinkingaboutit. I appreciate you. Thank you.

Of course, there are so many other people, but my fingers hurt and if I went through talking about everyone I think are important in my life, I would break RPR. To everyone reading this, thank you for being here. Thank you for considering Fake Love, and a special shoutout to the admins. I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes, but you guys put up with me. You're doing amazing things here, and I cannot wait to see how things evolve from here on out.

Thank you,

-Your very own Resident Tol
jung hoseok. 6 years ago
JUST DATE ALREADY ;D sHOT just kidding
park boyoung. 6 years ago
krystal jung. 19 seconds ago Reply
so cuuute
krystal jung. 6 years ago
so cuuute
min yoongi. 6 years ago
o h god i like one girl and her name is park hyemin(e)
kim mingyu. 6 years ago
wheezes y'all are so cute i'm sobbing
park hyemin. 6 years ago
@min yoongi. i feel like i don't say it enough, and i should, but i am so thankful to have you by my side, yoongi. something about you made me especially attracted to you, and perhaps it's because of your passion, your friendship with others, your love, your nerdiness (heh. <3) and your kindness is what drove me closer to you. even when i have my darkest days, you were always there and became the light that i so desperately needed, and i want to be the same for you, i want to be able to be there whenever you fall or whenever you're not feeling yourself. i want you to know that you're always welcomed into my arms anytime of day or night. to be honest, i was really scared at how you might react when i kissed you that day. i wondered if you would pull back, push me away or lecture me about it, that you wouldn't have liked it, but it was all the complete opposite and that made my heart flutter more than you can know. Yoongi, you are an amazing individual. you're intelligent, courageous, humorous and extremely loving. you're so willing to learn so much about me when i'm learning so much about you too along the way. perhaps it's the way you smile, the way you're so gentle with me, and how perfectly our hands intertwine with each other, i couldn't think of anything more that makes me smile just at the thought of it. i hope i'm not overbearing you, because i express myself differently in the form of physical affection. it's hard to put into words about how i feel about you, because there is just so much that I don't want to ramble and possibly bore you to death, but one day, yoongi, i will. I will tell you exactly how i feel about you and more, and it'll be between us. to be honest, i can't wait til the day i call you ---- <3

i love you yoongi, and thank you for always being there for me, and for accepting who i am, and what i do.

min yoongi. 6 years ago
minatozaki sana. 6 years ago
kim seokwoo. 2 minutes ago Reply
round of applause
kim seokwoo. 6 years ago
yoongi, you did well, very well, very very very well
park jimin. ᴴ 6 years ago
kim seokwoo. 1 minute ago Reply
round of applause
min yoongi. 6 years ago
kim seokwoo. 6 years ago
round of applause
min yoongi. 6 years ago
@park hyemin. there’s so much amazing things to name about you park hyemin. of course, you are human and therefore-- you have flaws just like anyone else but even then i find you flaws to be amazing. you are easily one of the most beautiful women i met. i wonder what was the first thing i liked about you; was it because how genuine you were or was it how sweet you were, there’s a possibility it could have been the fact you’re just a nerd like i am, there’s a big chance it could have been your passion on your skill-- makeup. i’m sure it was all of those combined. when i first met you, i thought ‘who is this girl and why is she doing makeup’, i, of course was curious about you but..-- i was confused. ‘why does everyone keep calling her pony??’ and i did my research on you (sorry about that! i needed to know!) and i was not disappointed with what i found.

the minute we started talking and we actually starting to focus on each other is really w o w. did you know how sweet you are? how cuddly you are? how i keep wanting to hold your hand? that i want to kiss you a lot? that i just want to make you always smile? because seeing you frown would just devastate me. did you know that i want to hug you all the time? because i do. did you know that you look so delicate to me and i don’t ever want to hurt you? because you don’t ever deserve that. did you know strong you are too? it sounds like a contradiction i know but nonetheless.

your dedication and pride in your makeup is something to be prideful of, yeah? i know i would be. i, myself don’t have any interest in makeup but knowing that you have interest in it makes we want to learn more. if anyone came to me and ask to be taught on how to apply makeup, y’know i would laugh, right? that’s laughable. i don’t have that natural curiosity. ask everyone, some might say that i hate makeup. at least i did back then. now, i’m welcoming it more. now, i want to give it more a shot. with you.

you’re such a nerd like me. the biggest nerd on the block, frankly. and i’m thankful that i really like this nerd. my little alien nerd. my ghost nerd. my everything nerd. i’m glad that i don’t bore you. i’m glad you find that interesting. i’m glad that you had some remote interest in me. even when there isn’t really much to me. you are giving me a chance, you keep giving me a chance. i don’t know why you do this; but i am grateful to it. thank you so much for even saying hi to me. i am thankful that i got to know you. i am grateful towards the fact that i still get to know you. thank you for kissing me by the way. thank you for having the balls to that compared to me. thank you for doing that privately.

you are beautiful. i don’t need to see you with makeup. you’re beautiful all the time. everytime. everyday. don’t get me wrong, you are beautiful-- (drop dead gorgeous) with makeup on. you’re not comparable to anyone. i would never do that to you. you could put a garbage bag on your head (don’t do that please don’t) and you know what- you’re still probably weirdly beautiful. it’s because i like you too much, i would assume. maybe i’m too acceptable to the very few flaws that you have. that doesn’t really matter to me though.

sorry, i got a bit into my feelings there, heh. i just was supposed to say how beautiful you were. but if i had to do that, i needed to name everything then-
park jamie. 6 years ago
hey guys and gals
if you want to confess your love to me now is the time :D
min yoongi. 6 years ago
casually cries in the background tbh
park jamie. 6 years ago
who wouldn't date toongs jw
park hyemin. 6 years ago
yoongi i love you so much eoingoerineo <3
kim seokjin. 6 years ago
if i was a girl, i'd date yoong
kim seokjin. 6 years ago
kim namjoon. 8 minutes ago Reply
kim seokwoo. 1 minute ago Reply
park jamie. 28 seconds ago Reply
park chanyeol. 2 seconds ago Reply
jennie kim. 4 seconds ago Reply
wow we love min yoongi
park jamie. 6 years ago
i really wanna frame this part
i want to thank park jami(n)e. you little nerd, you created my nickname and now forever it would transcend space and time. do i want to love you or fight you? these are the questions i ask myself-- but i love you a whole lot and if you ever want to rant or vent, come to me. i listen well.
kim namjoon. 6 years ago
kim seokwoo. 1 minute ago Reply
park jamie. 28 seconds ago Reply
park chanyeol. 2 seconds ago Reply
jennie kim. 4 seconds ago Reply
wow we love min yoongi


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wassowasso 5 years ago
oK so tiffany is leaving (for obvious reasons)
take care fellas < 3
bangchoy 6 years ago
doyeon gtg
xicewolf 6 years ago
Sonchae is slipping out. Thanks for letting me be here AND YOU ADMINS BETTER TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND FEEL BETTER. I LOVE YOU GUYS ♥♥♥
acuteassmess 6 years ago
Sorry guises but it's time for jia to leave. I thank you guises for making me feel loved and at home jsy. You guises make me so freaking soff like where is the toughness? I won't ever forget about this lovely place esp you guises and it will forever be in my heart. If you guises do ever open this rp in the future, pls lemme know i m cri bc i would join dis in a heartbeat! I thank you all and if you wanna add me as a friend, i perfectly don't mind but until then see you guises in the future! OH TO THE ADMINS esp the ppl here, PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AND RELAX WHENEVER YOU ARE FREE OKOK? + i give you guises a upvote bc y'all deserve it ❤
nisekoi [A] 6 years ago
[ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ. ]
thank you for everything!
shinyechan 6 years ago
give me jung eunwoo for my second character please?
-fairybread 6 years ago
can i have seventeen's lee seokmin please?
levanter 6 years ago
lookit that cute lil star awww
kagaki 6 years ago
May I reserve myoui mina from Twice?
SeHYUNG 6 years ago
sprezzatura 7 minutes ago Reply All
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