。 ㅤrestaurant

  note  enjoy some extra fancy food!
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. Oh..the last time I was here was...a couple of days ago. I came here with Sehun. We were doing some work and got hungry and this place is so close, so it was convenient. /twirls my chopsticks in between my fingers, eyes looking up at Miran as she approaches with our dish, sitting in down onto the table top burner to begin assembling our meal/ I always love watching Miran make the meals basically right in front of you.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. i don’t know. i don’t think i’d mind being reminded of my mom. i do have a motherly nature to me, though. i’m loving and kind. and i tell people what to do as if they’re my children. - my smile grows as i look around the restaurant, taking in every detail of the place that i so vaguely remember. - yeah.. i haven’t been here in a very long time. it looks the same as how i remember it, though. i was a teenager last time i came, i believe.
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. I'm not sure- typically people don't like having their friends reminding them of their parents. It's just.. weird. I don't know how else to describe it. /my eyes wander from you to the table, admiring the wooden grain and its wear and tear over the years. It had a story to tell-- and it did through the rings of detail on the wooden top./ Yeah- they have this strange tradition where they put the garlic in last. It's actually interesting to watch.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. why would that be weird? if your mom is a lovely lady, being reminded of her should be nice. however, if it’s weird for you, i’ll cut the compliments down. - reaches over to take one of the glasses from you so i can take a few sips before setting it down onto the table. - i can’t wait.. my mom is watering too! i just need that food in my belly as soon as possible.
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. My mom's ability to compliment someone enough in the worst of situations is honestly a God-given talent. I'm used to it- it might remind me of my mom from time to time and that'll be weird, but I'll get over it. /takes the glasses of water from Miran when she returns with the beverages and asks for the Budae Jigae as a shared meal/ I couldn't be more ready. I'm like- salivating thinking about it. It shouldn't take too much longer!
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. oh yeah? she complimented you as much as i did? so then you must be used to being praised so often. if you aren’t, you should probably work on getting used to it if you plan on being around me. - rests my hands in my lap, playing with my fingers as i smile at you, my cheeks the slightest bit of pink. - you haven’t made me uncomfortable, don’t worry.. i’ve enjoyed my time with you thus far. are you ready? i’m starving.
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. My mom is most definitely a lovely lady, but she didn’t raise a respectable young man by being a lovely lady. She raised a respectable young man by supporting me with compliments at every turn. /sets my menu aside and looks across the table with a smug grin/ Good! That’s how I was hoping you would feel like- I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. is that bad? what am i saying, of course it isn’t! your mom must be a lovely lady, then. - looks up at you while setting my menu aside and offering you a bright smile before shaking my head. - no, no. that’s completely fine! i was just looking. i’m more than okay with budae jigae. this place is very... comfy. i feel like i’m at a friends house. i’m glad you brought me here, chan.
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. God- you sound like my mom sometimes. /the statement is meant to be playful as a hearty laughter bubbles up from within my chest/ I figured we could just go with the Budae Jigae meal, but it’s completely up to you! They have quite a few other selections to choose from, so I’m sure you’ll find something if you aren’t feeling like having Budae Jigae.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. i probably couldn’t. that’s just how you are, i like making sure you know that. you should be reminded about how great you are, so you don’t ever doubt yourself. - follows your movements as you bow, and then follows you to the table, sitting across from you and ordering a glass of water for myself as well. picks up a menu for myself to look through. - she’s a beautiful lady. i’m sure she’s wonderful. so... what are we eating today?
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. I don’t think you can go five minutes without calling me sweet. It’s endearing really. /bows down as a sign of respect to the owner and follows her over to a table, plopping down and carding through the menu before me, asking for a water as a beverage/ Yeah she is! Her name is Miran. She’s really nice and runs this place with her two kids. She is a really gentle soul and treats me like a son.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. well, good for you, because it worked. you’re being very sweet and i’m loving every minute of it. sweet potato suits you perfectly. hmph- glances up at you with slightly pink cheeks and presses my lips together. yeah, i remember vaguely.. it’s been a while. the interior is really giving me deja vu. let’s go of your arm as we enter the restaurant, clasping my hands in front me whilst looking around before landing my eyes on the elderly woman and offering her a warm smile. she seems nice. is she the one that knows you, chan?
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. Well- you got me there, but I was also just trying to be sweet, like the sweet potato I am. /I look over at you with an amused smile, leaning down a bit, smug and content/ Is it working? Oh yeah? The place is really cozy inside. They’ve got like- little floor cushions for your instead of chairs and they bring the food out to your table and cook it right in front of you. It’s dope. /nods my head and takes the first few steps inside, waving to the elderly lady who runs the place and holds up two fingers, signifying that there is another person with me today/
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. i think you’re just trying to make me blush, chanyeol.. not to say that it isn’t working. it is. you’re such a sweetheart, i can barely handle it. oh— well i’m glad you don’t always eat alone. that would be extremely sad. even if you did, you wouldn’t be anymore. i’ll join you whenever you’d like me to. the corners of my mouth tug my lips into a bright smile as we stand in front of the quaint restaurant, giving your arm a gentle squeeze before letting go and turning towards you. i’ve been here before- not for a while.. i’m really looking forward to eating now. reaches for the handle and pulls the door open. shall we?
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. I certainly hope you wouldn’t eliminate me! That’s rude and no way to treat a new acquaintance! On the cheek? That’s actually pretty adorable. You get cuter by the minute I swear- I guess you could say it is my favorite restaurant! I don’t usually go alone. Usually I’ll take a member or two with me. There were a few times where everyone went together. /perhaps I was too lost in my own thought, but the distance seemed like nothing as I stopped in front of the small restaurant/ Well. Here we are! It certainly isn’t anything to look at, but the food is worth it. Trust me.
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. yeah, i wouldn’t go as far as eliminating you. i think you’re nicd company. i wouldn’t want to get rid of that. but i will ya right on your cheek. that’s actually really cute.. so is this your favorite restaurant we’re going to? perhaps it’ll be mine. i’d like to get on a first name basis with the owners. if you go that often, it must be good. smiles to myself when i notice your shorter steps, finding it much easier to keep up with you, but still holding your arm in case you speed up. yeah, i much rather eat with people. eating alone can be.. well, lonely.
park chanyeol. 6 years ago
@park jamie. Ninja Park Jamie, the most deadly of ninjas because you’d never expect her! You know it would actually work. You could get super close to your targets and then bam! They’ve been eliminated- or in this case I guess. But yeah, I go there all the time and the owners actually know me by name now! It’s kind of sad, but food is food. /attempts to slow my strides as I walk, trying to be conscientious, but also trying not to look like I’m trying too hard/ oh yeah it’s not a problem! It’s nice to not eat alone!
park jamie. 6 years ago
@park chanyeol. good. i gotta keep you on edge. like i said, you won’t see it coming. i’m like a ninja— alrighty.. that’s not bad at all. walking is good for you, anyways. i can’t even explain how excited i am! gosh. thank you for this, chan. i appreciate you. gently hugs your arm while we walk side by side, trying my best to keep up with your much longer strides.
kim taehyung. 6 years ago
 ❝ ˢᶰᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ


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wassowasso 5 years ago
oK so tiffany is leaving (for obvious reasons)
take care fellas < 3
bangchoy 6 years ago
doyeon gtg
xicewolf 6 years ago
Sonchae is slipping out. Thanks for letting me be here AND YOU ADMINS BETTER TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND FEEL BETTER. I LOVE YOU GUYS ♥♥♥
acuteassmess 6 years ago
Sorry guises but it's time for jia to leave. I thank you guises for making me feel loved and at home jsy. You guises make me so freaking soff like where is the toughness? I won't ever forget about this lovely place esp you guises and it will forever be in my heart. If you guises do ever open this rp in the future, pls lemme know i m cri bc i would join dis in a heartbeat! I thank you all and if you wanna add me as a friend, i perfectly don't mind but until then see you guises in the future! OH TO THE ADMINS esp the ppl here, PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AND RELAX WHENEVER YOU ARE FREE OKOK? + i give you guises a upvote bc y'all deserve it ❤
nisekoi [A] 6 years ago
[ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ. ]
thank you for everything!
shinyechan 6 years ago
give me jung eunwoo for my second character please?
-fairybread 6 years ago
can i have seventeen's lee seokmin please?
levanter 6 years ago
lookit that cute lil star awww
kagaki 6 years ago
May I reserve myoui mina from Twice?
SeHYUNG 6 years ago
sprezzatura 7 minutes ago Reply All
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