⠀⠇ lobby

— about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

lee minho 7 months ago
@kim seungmin he shouldn't have been so alarmed that seungmin had even spoke to him. it was even more alarming to him the words that he said. in the grand scheme of things they weren't much; hell, he was sure anybody that glanced his way and squinted long enough could tell that he was sick. still, the fact that seungmin was even acknowledging him came as such a shock that he could barely compute for a few seconds.

"i am," he finally responded, eyes blinking slowly as he glanced at his own hand then back up to seungmin, as if he suddenly couldn't remember what he bought. "and you're," minho trailed off, eyes dropping to the bag seungmin grasped and still being able to make out the packaging through the plastic, "hungry."

for a few seconds more he just stood there, no longer interested in what seungmin was carrying, but rather curious as to what made the other even speak to him to begin with. he could've easily pushed past him and continued on his walk back towards their apartment building, but he didn't. the same could've been said about minho. another few feline like blinks at seungmin and he slowly started walking in the direction of their building, expecting the other to start walking again but not bothering to wait for him. "are you studying or something?"
kim seungmin 7 months ago
@lee minho seungmin was well aware that minho's figure had vanished into the shopping center, the very one seungmin would eventually enter. stepping in, minho's sudden absence was just as noticeable as his presence the whole walk down. seungmin decided that this was a relief, and made his way to the convenience store.

seungmin had never been one to dally while shopping by himself. no, he walked in, got the things he needed, paid, then left. and this time, he was determined to make this trip his shortest one yet, to get back home as soon as possible, get back to whatever he was doing before. for this purpose, he ran through his list again: neoguri, and yerim's... seungmin came to an abrupt stop in some aisle of the store, realising he had forgotten to send yerim his text. seungmin wasn't one to forget things like that.

leaving the store with only his instant noodles, seungmin must have been blinded by the sense of frustration he tried so hard to ignore, for he almost bumped into someone. a word of apology almost left his lips, but he bit down on the word once he saw who it was.

then, he noticed the mask, the familiar plastic bag in minho's hands. and a wall inside of seungmin crumbled, without a sound. he hadn't intended for the words to slip out, nor had he intended for them to come out so matter-of-factly, but they did anyway. "you're sick," seungmin concluded, once more, but unlike the previous time in the lift, now out loud.
lee minho 7 months ago
@kim seungmin it seemed like the crisp oxygen from outside of the building was enough to snap minho back to reality, much needed clarity flooding all of his senses, even the ones that were currently dulled. if seungmin didn't care, which he was assuming he didn't, then neither should minho. still, why did he feel so off even with this 'clarity' spell? so much for that .

minho slipped on his mask just before entering the pharmacy inside the shopping center. he had made a mental note of all the things that had been suggested to him, and things that he remembered getting the last time he fell ill. even with all the thinking he was doing he found seungmin's name entering his head again, spotting a familiar medication that the other had sworn worked like a charm. out of nothing other than pure resentment, he didn't get it and quickly paid for what he had already grabbed.

it seemed like luck still wasn't on his side because even as he stepped outside of the pharmacy, he nearly stepped directly into the path of the very person plaguing his mental fortitude. "sorry," he grit out from behind his mask.
kim seungmin 7 months ago
@lee minho 'thank you,' words that seungmin would've used as a formality for a stranger, not whatever minho was to him now. but minho clearly didn't hold the same resentment for seungmin that seungmin held for him. perhaps there was nothing left; seungmin was a stranger to him now. perhaps that was why minho hadn't taken the stairs. perhaps seungmin didn't know minho as well as he had thought he did, and minho wasn't even sick. seungmin didn't know what to feel.

numbly, seungmin stepped out of the lift, once minho had left. seungmin would not think about it any longer; his train of thought had reached its destination, a conclusion, and he would leave it there, in this lift. he took a few steps in the direction of the convenience store, but there, in his line of sight, was minho's back. and it was so ing unfair. why did minho have to walk this way, why did he get to go first, why did he have to get in seungmin's ing way?

seungmin's footsteps grinded to a halt. slowly, he took out his airpods, stuffed both into his ears and took his time picking some song, enough time for minho to gain some distance on him. only then did seungmin resume walking, taking slow steps as he ignored how the figure in the distance never seemed to disappear.
lee minho 7 months ago
@kim seungmin minho had laid his head against his side of the elevator wall, trying to concentrate on the temperature of the metal seeping into his skin, attempting to cool down the simmer of his fever that was already beginning to heat up again despite his best efforts. his head was swimming for a different reason now. something like this shouldn't have bothered him, and maybe it didn't, it may have just been because he was so sick his brain was too muddled to compose itself like it normally did. yet, with each passing second of standing inside this lift with seungmin it felt like his lifespan was being drained, as if he were slowly drowning and all he could do was allow his lungs to fill with water.

being sick meant he was vulnerable. he was vulnerable right now and found himself making this a bigger deal than what it should've been. the last person that had been around him when he had gotten this sick in the past had indeed been seungmin, his own personal novocaine who went through more than enough trouble to make sure that he felt better as quick as possible. oh, how quick life can change, how quickly somebody you loved can turn into this; a stranger. it was almost laughable.

minho shouldn't have been an adult. he should've taken the stairs. still, he mumbled a quiet 'thank you' while passing beside seungmin and continued on his venture in the direction of the pharmacy, shoving his hand inside his pocket to retrieve his mask with quick (almost dizzying) steps.
kim seungmin 7 months ago
@lee minho of course, it had to be lee minho, standing in the elevator doorway. intuition rarely went wrong, seungmin was forced to realise with a grimace. his finger immediately hovered above the button to close the doors. it was something of a habit now. they'd make eye contact, break said eye contact, seungmin would press the lift button, minho would—

minho should not have walked into the elevator. yet, seungmin watched him cross the line that separated their two spaces. they should have broken eye contact already. yet, seungmin found himself looking right into minho's eyes, his own hand falling to his side, until minho turned around to face the door. seungmin couldn't tell how long they had held eye contact for, time didn't seem to flow right in that space, but it was long enough for seungmin to read the expression on minho's face.

he recognised it in an instant. seungmin had only seen this expression twice over the one-year tenure of... whatever they had, but he remembered both times clearly. remembered how he had boiled some herbal tea because google told him to, remembered how his heart had ached watching minho's pained expression as he dreamt.

minho was sick, seungmin concluded, just as the elevator reached the ground floor with a 'ding.' that was why minho hadn't taken the stairs. but it didn't matter, it shouldn't have mattered to seungmin. still, he reached over, pressed the elevator button, and held the door open for minho to exit.
lee minho 7 months ago
@kim seungmin it wasn't frequent that minho got sick. really, he stayed in such good shape, was mindful of the things he ate, took vitamins and was constantly on top of it in the rare chance that he /did/ feel under the weather. this time, it was as if the rug had been pulled underneath him, this sickness sneaking up on him without any restraint.

first came the sore throat, then came a stuffy nose, until eventually it turned into him battling the combination of a fever and the ability to barely stay conscious when in the presence of somewhere to rest. minho was miserable to say the least and he didn't want to be a bother to his friends, so he forced himself into a hot shower, got dressed and made his way to the elevator to head to the pharmacy. it was only a short walk anyways. if his week couldn't get any worse, the elevator doors had pulled themselves back to reveal none other than his ex, the sole person inside. what a ing joke his life was.

could seungmin be considered an ex? he was unsure, but at the moment his body was too exhausted to act on the ability to take the stairs instead, to push his body even further past the brink of debility just so that he wouldn't have to share the same oxygen as somebody he once told himself that he loved. so, like the ing adult he was, minho moved his body inside and allowed himself to break the unintentional eye contact he held, standing on the farthest side away from seungmin, yet closer to the door than the younger was.
kim seungmin 8 months ago
armed with a torchlight and a portable charger connected to his phone, seungmin climbed down all six flights of stairs. six, seungmin begrudgingly counted. climbing wasn't the problem; seungmin did get some cardio in on the regular. no, it was the fact he /had/ to climb them, because of some power outage that /had/ to interrupt his netflix show on the television.

reaching the ground floor, seungmin's torchlight illuminated two figures, standing in the lobby. based off the glisten of water off of them, they were dripping wet. lowering his torchlight so that it wasn't aiming directly at the two, seungmin noticed one of them pressing the elevator button. "yes, it doesn't work," he confirmed, out of sympathy. looking around, he proceeded to ask, "might either of you know where the backup generator is?"
[post deleted by owner]
kim seungmin 8 months ago
@lee minho [] not an event thread!

seungmin watched the elevator doors close, as soon as he had pressed the button for the ground floor.

the minute in the elevator passed by in silence, seungmin not bothering to put in his airpods. it was a short walk to the convenience store, anyway. instead, he used this time to go through his rather short shopping list: neoguri instant noodles. the cheese and eggs he needed were already at home, and this pack would tide him over for the week's study sessions, until his and yerim's next grocery shopping session.

seungmin's thought of asking yerim if she wanted anything from the store was interrupted when he felt the elevator slow down. instead of the "G" seungmin had expected, the indicator panel showed "1". the floor number that pricked at seungmin's skin, even if he pretended it didn't. he pushed an emerging thought down, with some rationale based on probability, but that's the thing with thoughts like this: they never go away completely, instead finding a new corner of your mind to gnaw at.

cautiously, seungmin watched the elevator doors open.
[post deleted by owner]
cho miyeon 8 months ago
Miyeon was caught in the sudden downpour on her way to work. The unlucky weather ruined her dress and her carefully styled hair. Knowing she couldn't show up to work looking like this, she turned around and headed back to the apartment.

She entered the lobby to an unsettling darkness, which plunged shadows into the room. Even though she was hesitant, she entered, navigating the walls towards the elevator. A soaked figure emerged from the lobby, just as the door swung open. When he spoke, she recognized him as someone from the building despite the darkness. She recognized him from a tattoo parlor days earlier, even though their encounter was brief.

In relief, she greeted him. "Were you also caught in the rain?" she asked. The elevator buttons proved ineffective as her brows pressed together with unease. With frustration in her voice, she said, "It's not working."
seo changbin 8 months ago
changbin was drenched from the rain, having only returned from closing up the tattoo studio. as always, he's got the midnight shift but with how quiet the place was plus the empty schedule, he decided to pack up an hour earlier than normal. it turned out to be the correct choice because midway his shift—electricity cut off. it has been raining continuously for days now so changbin isn't really all that surprised, he's just grateful that their parking has a roof or else his motorcycle would be long gone now.

this did mean he had to walk home though, his umbrella standing not much chance with the heavy rain and strong winds. at quarter to 11, he arrived at the apartment's dark lobby with a frown, shaking off the excess water from his hair. "—anyone here? got any idea what's with the electricity?"
jeon jungkook 8 months ago
@seo soojin the pent-up anger that jungkook held towards soojin began to gradually resurface with each second they spent standing besides each other, enclosed in the elevator. there’s a puddle forming beneath his feet and water droplets slipping from the ends of his hair to paint upon the surface of his visage and neck, only to then find solace upon the surface of his soaked white t-shirt. to be frank, there was a lot of pain that he still felt upon thinking of her and thinking of what they could have been together.. something great, he always thought. It took a lot of time for him to move on from her, and he doesn’t even know if he’d been successful. there had been many points where he’d watch her breathing as she slept beneath his—their comforter, and thought, ‘i’m going to marry this woman’.


this demeanor was not like him – he’d always been the type to excitedly be a part of conversation, to even dance beneath the rain, but it’s because it was /her/. although he’d confirmed where he was headed, it just now hits him that she, too, was heading to the same floor. he should have just taken the stairs. the elevator finally dings to state their arrival, and his eyebrows are furrowed in thought as the doors open. “see you around.” he mutters, also stating that it wasn’t promising on his way out as his shoulder brushed her own.

it didn’t even phase jungkook that she could have been living in the same apartment complex as him, a year later. the almighty creator above (if there was one) wouldn’t be that cruel to him, surely…. although muscle memory was present and leading him down the hallway, he’s moving slower than he had before and listening very closely to the sound of her feet. he stops at his door, turns to face it and begins to collect his keys, glancing into his peripherals.

“….. are you following me?”
seo soojin 8 months ago
@jeon jungkook two years prior, when soojin stubbornly decided that taking her leave was the best for him, she'd being lying if she said she hadn't thought about their next meet—if she was fortunate to even come across him again—perhaps near the music shop they'd frequent together, or the puppy café they once swore they'd adopt from when the time came. but never did she imagine standing beside him in an apartment elevator with awkwardness practically oozing between them.

and to make matters worse, from his resentful tone, it's quite clear where she stood on his list of ex-girlfriends.

but the tiny, perhaps frustrating, quirk about soojin was that she absolutely despised confrontations, at least those where she was found as the guilty party (and these situations were never too often, she'd like to think). so, when he blatantly ignores her attempt at small talk, she lets out a soft breath of relief. if he wishes to keep their conversation to a minimum, she'll oblige, especially since she'd been the one to run away. but even if little-to-no words were to be exchanged, she can't help her wandering gaze—his hair's a little longer than she remembers, and maybe there are a few more tattoos dedicated to his skin that he must've gotten after her disappearance. not to mention the dullness held in his eyes; that's something she was never used to, but she supposes that she should now.

"uh, the second floor—" she says, leaning over to press the button, but seeing as it's already been chosen, her face contorts into a small frown of confusion. "you're also heading there?"
yoo jimin 8 months ago
@bobby kim As Jimin stood there, witnessing the swift and fierce intervention by Bobby, she couldn't believe the sudden turn of events. Her emotions were a whirlwind - fear, panic, and relief all crashing together like a storm. When she shouted "security," she hoped for help, but it was Bobby who had come to her rescue.

As Bobby fought off the attacker and the situation began to calm down, Jimin quickly made her way to him. Her eyes were filled with tears, a mixture of the fear she had just experienced and the overwhelming rush of emotions from seeing her ex-boyfriend protect her so fiercely. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

In front of Bobby, Jimin's tears flowed freely, and she cried hard, trembling from the adrenaline and the shock of the encounter. She didn't know what was getting to her more, the fear of the attack or the fact that Bobby, despite their complicated history and breakup, had saved her. It was a moment of vulnerability and raw emotion as she sobbed in front of him, unable to find the words to express the complex mix of feelings that surged through her.

"let's treat your wound .." she pointed at bobby's features between her sobbing.
bobby kim 8 months ago
@yoo jimin Seeing the pair go inside, Bobby wanted to intervene at first moment, but thought it would be better to try and get a handle of the situation at hand first, so when the other took the elevator, Bobby had arrived to late before the doors had closed, and rather than waiting for the elevator to eventually come back down, the male decided to take the stairs.

His feet quickly paced up the stairs and once he arrived at the fourth floor just in time to see the look of panic on Jimin’s face, but the man’s body covered her at a moment Bobby wasn’t able to see what’s going on. Shoving the door open onto the fourth floor, and anger seething through his veins he quickly shoved the man off of Jimin before he could do anything else to harm her.

Naturally a swing was taken at Bobby and due to his quick glance of making sure the female in question was alright before turning his attention to the attacker, Bobby was struck with a loud thud to his face. “I’m not gonna go down that easily.” He said wiping the red liquid that came from his nose, with an evil smirk on his face. When the second swing at him was taken, bobby had caught the first of the other, twisting the arm of the other, the years of working in a bar training him for moments such as these
yoo jimin 8 months ago
@bobby kim Jimin's heart raced with anxiety as she noticed the unfamiliar man tailing her. She quickened her pace, hoping to reach the safety of her apartment building before anything went awry. But as she approached the entrance, she felt a shiver down her spine when she saw the man continue to follow her.

With a touch of bravado masking her fear, she turned to confront him. "Are you following me?" she demanded, her voice quivering slightly. His sinister smile sent a chill through her, but she couldn't let him intimidate her.

"I'm a new resident here," he replied with a casual tone, but Jimin couldn't shake off her uneasiness. She decided to take the elevator, hoping to escape the situation. However, her unease grew as the man followed her inside the elevator, staying uncomfortably close.

As she reached her floor and moved to open her apartment door, she was abruptly pinned against the wall by the man. Panic surged within her, and her voice trembled as she tried to reason with him. "Please, just let me go," she pleaded, her eyes darting to the door, desperately hoping for help to arrive before things took a darker turn.
bobby kim 8 months ago
@yoo jimin It had been a long day at the bar for Bobby, an order was put in wrong somehow, and he had completely ran out of the most popular alcoholic drink, and had to have a rush order sent to the bar that day, and then a few customers were getting a bit too rowdy for his bar and the male had to kick them out. Due to this, Bobby had decided to take the day off early and head home after he got most things straightened up, leaving the bar in the care of his employees.

On his way home, Bobby had caught a glimpse of someone that he had almost waited to avoid, and his first instinct was to hurry and run inside of the building but the scene before him had felt not safe. His ex girlfriend, Jimin, had been coming to the apartment, around the same time he was but there was someone behind her, and not in a friendly manner. Bobby stood outside the door, keeping an eye on the situation, trying to make sure she got in safe or if the guy behind the other had tried anything, he wanted to make sure the other wasn't put in harms way.
nakamoto yuta 9 months ago
@chae soobin with his perfectly maintained fur and healthy diet, one look and anyone would see how cared for the samoyed was. primo the pampered white samoyed, lived a life of luxury under the care of his doting owner, yuta. every morning, their day began with an air of excitement as yuta fetched primo's leash and the two of them ventured out of their cozy apartment. primo's anticipation was always palpable as he bounded towards the door, his fluffy tail wagging vigorously. prmio, with his pristine white coat, garnered the attention and admiration of passersby, further reinforcing his status as a spoiled but adored pet. their jogging route meandered through a serene park, where primo could frolic in the grass, chasing after fluttering butterflies or pouncing on fallen leaves. these moments of sheer joy filled primo's heart which was enough for the loving dog to realize how valued he was by his owner.

however, there's something wrong.

primo jogged away from his owner who seemed to have momentarily lost consciousness. not completely comprehending what was happening, the clueless dog jogged out of the building through the stairs and finally out to the front of the apartment building.

meanwhile, yuta finally regained his footing after crouching down in front of his apartment door. realizing that primo must be confused he sat down to settle himself as his dizziness failed him to pay attention to his pet, he turned his head to the side and realized that the leash was not on primo and the samoyed was out of his sight. panicking, yuta groans as he looks around trying his hardest to not fall even with a high fever.
hong jisoo 9 months ago
@chae soobin jisoo couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as they stood together in the elevator. soobin's gratitude was palpable, and it warmed his heart to have been able to help her. her name, chae soobin, had a pleasant ring to it, and he was genuinely interested in getting to know more about her.

as the elevator continued its ascent, he decided to ask a few questions to keep the conversation flowing. "soobin, do you live in this building? I'm on the sixth floor, just moved in recently," he shared, hoping to find some common ground. "and what brings you to the fourth floor today? moving in or just rearranging your place?" jisoo inquired, aiming to learn more about her without prying too much into her personal life.

he wanted soobin to feel comfortable, to know that he was genuinely interested in getting to know her as a neighbor and not just as the person who helped her with her belongings. as they reached the fourth floor, jisoo held the elevator door open for her, ready to continue the conversation or part ways as she saw fit.
chae soobin 9 months ago
@hong jisoo Soobin’s wide eyes turned, drawn by the unmistakable presence of her savior—a handsome figure whose kindness radiated from every line of his features. The world seemed to dim around him, his warmth becoming a focal point in her perception. The smile he offered was a balm to her senses, a gesture that painted the edges of her worries with a brushstroke of relief.

"Oh—thank you so much, I really appreciate it," her words flowed with a blend of gratitude and shyness, her voice soft yet sincere. The weight of the box had been a literal burden, but the kindness he had shown her had lifted a weight from her heart.

As they entered the elevator, Soobin followed his lead, her steps a delicate dance of hesitance and appreciation. "Fourth floor," his question was met with a swift response, her finger finding the button that corresponded to her destination. "My name is Soobin, Chae Soobin," she introduced herself, her words carrying a note of shy sincerity.

As the elevator glided upwards, the moment seemed to stretch, holding them within a bubble of shared space. Soobin's gaze flickered towards him, curiosity dancing in her eyes as she sought to know more about the person who had appeared as her unexpected savior.
jeon jungkook 9 months ago
@seo soojin jungkook hadn't noticed her at first.

it came gradually -- at first he'd been too focused on removing the folded sheets of paper from beneath his arm, sifting through the pages to ensure that they weren't completely done for. in the process of doing this, he can't help but notice the pair of legs in his peripheral unable to decide where they should be going. it causes both of his brows to draw together in a gentle furrow, and it eventually brings his head upward. he was ready to ask if she needed help, perhaps she was looking for a particular resident or was lost, even. that was the moment everything changed.

this was the moment all expansive or simple vocabulary dissipated from his own memory, and every single feeling he'd felt for the woman now at his side began to run it's course through him once more.

jungkook could remember everything. when they first met, she gave him a feeling that he would only feel when someone fit him like a glove. he remembered what it felt like to fall in love with her, how his body produced a cocktail of chemicals he'd found addicting. most of all, he remembered how it felt for her to love him - how it felt to be normal with her, wake up draped over her smaller frame, leave christmas lights up until january like everyone else. he remembered everything, which of course, included the pain. just as things seemed extremely promising for him and when he'd gotten up on his feet, she would pack up and leave. a lot of these feelings of resentment and hurt were unresolved, him never given the chance to ask questions or even confront her.

until now.

"hi." his voice, monotone, as his own body remains stagnant in place. he hasn't moved, not once even turning his head to look at her. what would he say, anyway? how could he properly ask any question, or make any reply without saying something that he wouldn't regret? his mother always said to not say anything if he didn't have anything nice to say, so his lips press into a thin line, all reactions hidden behind a frozen facade. "what floor?" he asks, ignoring her question and attempt of small talk.
seo soojin 9 months ago
@jeon jungkook "ugh, makes me late to work and can't even offer me a ride." soojin grumbles beneath her breath, obviously frustrated for the circumstances instigated by her very greedy, very pompous sneaky link. but perhaps she couldn't complain too much, for she knows she'll never necessarily reject his untimely messages—unfortunately, she's just as needy as he was, so it's partially her fault. but whatever, her priority now was to avoid yet another slip-up with her boss.

so, as the elevator descends down towards the lobby, she idly wonders if her tresses appear super tangled and unbrushed, evident of her personal agenda the past hour, and self-consciously combs her fingertips through her hair as a result. but as the symbolic ding of the elevator indicates her arrival on the lobby floor, she saunters through the sliding doors and pays minimal attention to the man that passes by her. though, what she does observe are his drenched clothes, to which she promptly halts in her step to briefly contemplate her next move; should she continue onto work or stop by her apartment to retrieve a jacket? ultimately, she settles on the latter, soles slightly squeaking as she reluctantly turns back.

but just as she does so, her gaze trails up from the male's dampened shirt, up to his curious eyes that instantaneously gifts her with a surge of panic.

before the doors could close (she almost allowed it to shut on her), she takes a slow step in, awkwardly keeping to herself near one corner of the elevator. and in the midst of the deafening silence, she desperately dwells over what she could possibly say, or if she should even say anything. eventually, her lips part, but her eyes flit elsewhere. "... hey, it's been awhile, hasn't it? how have you been?"
jeon jungkook 9 months ago
@seo soojin "yes yes-- wait, what page did you say? i'm listening and laying out my pages in front of me now. i can make that change, i think that's a great idea."

the thin electronic device is pressed between a leather jacket and jungkook's own ear as his hands haphazardly spread out thin pieces of paper scribbled with his own scribbles. on each page laid out, there was practically no empty spaces - instead the thinned sheets were filled to the brim with words and circles and scratches, all from the hands of his own harshest critic: himself. the cemented sidewalk beneath his feet were covered by these pages, completely blocking any other pedestrian (as well as himself) from moving forward. it was more of a priority for him to be able to locate where to make the change, of course.

that is, until he begins to notice how the ink of his penmanship began to randomly spread in little blops upon each page, starting small. "oh no.... no, no-- ! !" perhaps his hands moved faster to collect the pages than they had when laying them out, so quickly that they'd even upheld a gentle tremble. " me," he mutters, the weight of the rain beginning to trickle down wavy locks that tickle the base of his shoulders. "no, not you - i'm sorry, i -- hello? hello?" the inner dialogue of expletives continue whilst he journeys inside, all pages roughly shoved beneath his elbow in attempt to shield any of them from further damage. could this day get any worse? first, the first thirty pages of his novel get soaked (as well as him), then he accidentally curses out his editor, and now?

now he's standing in the middle of the lobby of his apartment complex, water dripping from the ends of his hair, the tip of his nose and from the clothes that now desperately cling to his body.

shifting his gaze to the left, then to the right, jungkook's eyes embarrassingly meet the staff scattered around, as well as possible new residents, and residents themselves. the corners of his lips forcefully tug themselves into a grimace as his free hand nudges his dampened strands away from his face, heavy shoes squeaking as he steps towards the elevator. it was cold in this lobby, but even more-so when you're soaking wet. as the elevator door opens, he saunters in with a bit of a pep in his step, eager to get into his place to: one, see if he could salvage these pages and two, shower.

shivering, jungkook reaches out a shaky hand to press the '2' button before returning it to his side, his head tilting up to observe the ceiling of the elevator.
hong jisoo 9 months ago
@chae soobin as soobin struggled with the weight of the box in the bustling lobby, a smile tugged at joshua's lips as he observed her determined efforts. he admired her commitment and capability, appreciating her dedication to her furry companions. with a gentle stride, he approached her, his smile widening as he saw the struggle she was facing. "it's okay, let me help you," he offered, his voice warm and reassuring, his biceps unintentionally flexing as he took hold of the box.

together, they entered the elevator, the burden now shared between them. as they stood side by side, joshua turned his gaze towards Soobin, genuine curiosity shining in his eyes. "which floor are you going?" he inquired, his friendly tone inviting conversation. "ah, my name is jisoo, by the way. what a pleasure to meet you," he added, extending the introduction as he revealed his name.
chae soobin 9 months ago
@hong jisoo As the sun painted the urban landscape with its golden hues, Soobin emerged from the bustling pet store, a large brown box cradled in her arms. The box was a treasure trove of delight, a treasure chest filled with the promise of wagging tails and joyful barks. The box she now held was a testament to her unwavering dedication, each item within a reflection of the love that bloomed within her heart for her two furry companions, Haku and Mata. Food bags nestled beside chew toys, treats perched above leashes, and accessories peered out from the nooks and crannies, each item a piece of the puzzle that made up her dogs' world.

She shopped for them more fervently than she shopped for herself, her dogs' happiness as much a part of her purpose as it was their daily sustenance. Haku and Mata were more than pets—they were her happiness, her solace in the midst of life's tempests. And so, she spared no expense, she held no reservations in filling her cart with every imaginable item that could bring them joy, comfort, and contentment.

Soobin found herself in the lobby of her apartment building, a bustling crossroad where neighbors hurriedly passed, engrossed in their own worlds. The box in her arms, a tangible reminder of its weight, was met with curious glances and the occasional smile. Balancing the box in front of her, she attempted to navigate the lobby, her steps deliberate and careful, mindful of the precious cargo she held. The box, once a manageable burden, had now become a weight that demanded every ounce of her strength. The elevator doors were just a few paces away, a sanctuary that promised a temporary respite from the challenge that lay before her. She hoped she could make it there without her arms giving out.
jung chaeyeon 9 months ago
@yoon hyunsuk With an eyebrow raised, she poked his chest a few more times as she give her answer. "Yes, pfttt. I think you will play two roles though. A willing accomplice if you help me know how to steal it and a poor victim who will have his precious heart stolen if executed properly." Seeing the smile on his face filled her chest with warmth. Chatting with him was a good experience, and now that they have met in person, something tells her that spending time with him will be a good experience too. She flattened her palm over his chest to playfully, yet gently push him back. "Now, now, let's go. Might treat you some icecream if you are nice enough."
yoon hyunsuk 9 months ago
@jung chaeyeon her bright smile was contagious. hyunsuk was filled to the brim with the giddiness of meeting a new friend between his ears hearing her voice for the first time and witnessing the way her eyes turned into crescents filled with stars in person. how lucky it was for the first words for him to hear her say out loud to him to be, 'i missed you.' of all the encounters he could ever experience in his life, it'd be difficult for him to forget this one. he pressed himself into her finger as his smile mirrored hers. "are you telling me that we're about to commit a crime?" he asked, "i don't think i'd count as an accomplice if you don't tell me, though."
jung chaeyeon 9 months ago
@yoon hyunsuk The smile stretched into a grin, her eyes forming into crescents as she gave in. How can she keep playing dumb when Hyunsuk is so sure that it is indeed her, Chayeon, or sawoli. She imitated his actions, her arms crossed over her chest before lifting her right hand, her index finger poking his forehead. "I missed you." She confirmed by saying the redacted words from the chat they had earlier, and an amused chuckle followed shortly.
"Hi there, Hyunbean, pft. It's your local criminal here. You sure you want to put this-" she then poked his chest, still chuckling, "at risk?"


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grandemint 8 months ago
i'm sorry my loves, jungkook & jiyeon are taking their leave. i love you guys sm, thank you for the fun !!
nezukochan 8 months ago
lee sunmi as a soloist is a nurse and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment. — open to being roommates/having roommates.
gotohellu 8 months ago
byun baekhyun from exo is an air steward and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment -- open to roommates!
052128d15b1b425d58da 8 months ago
lee gahyeon of dreamcatcher is a 'security guard' and is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, whatever is open and is happy for room mates too
pricksosism 8 months ago
Im Siwan as an actor (or I would say ZE:A :")) is a legal researcher, is requesting a 3 bedroom, also looking for roommates. Thanks!
-diluc 9 months ago
jung wooyoung from ateez is a video game animator, is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom depending on availability, and is open to roommates. thank you <3
zoroswife 9 months ago
choi hyunwook as an actor is a university student / model and is requesting a 3 bedroom.
eihGeB 9 months ago
seo changbin from skz is a tattoo artist and is requesting 3 bedroom/or whatever you have. open for roommates. thanks!
parsley 9 months ago
⠀⠀⠀〈 ᴘᴀɴᴏʀᴀᴍᴀ 〉:: now open!
⠀→ only accepting three bedrooms apps or those who are rooming with others! (Only request if you know who your roommate is and you’ve discussed ooc with them)
⠀→ please read the rules before commenting!
⠀→ full name must be used when reserving, and please use the comment format below to reserve!

⠀⠀[full name here] from [group/why they're famous] is a [character occupation] and is requesting a [1/2/3 bedroom]

note: if you are rooming with someone please state that in your comment or app! either one is fine! :D
[comment deleted by owner]
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