⠀⠇ pool

— about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

park jihyo [A] 8 months ago
@huh yunjin Having spent most of her time cooped up inside since she moved in, Jihyo figured it was time to get some fresh air and explore some of the apartment building's amenities. As she was flipping through the building brochure, she noticed that there was a pool advertised. She could definitely benefit from some laps in cool water. Not long after, she had put on a bikini, some shorts over the bottoms, and grabbed a towel to head out to the pool.

Thankfully the maps were very helpful and she found the pool in no time. It was also very quiet, which she wasn't complaining about at all. As she was making her way to one of the beach chairs set along the perimeter, she noticed there was one other young woman there. She was also in a swimsuit, it looked like she had taken a dip too. The other girl was on the phone with someone and judging from her expression, she looked... frustrated. Jihyo bit her tongue and looked away, setting her things down on a chair. It wasn't her business what this girl was talking about... but she found it hard to ignore.

Jihyo stepped into the pool, slowly getting her body used to the cool water on her warm skin. It made her shiver at first and her grip tightened on the guard rails on either side of her. Eventually, she plunged in and let out a sigh of relief. Glancing over, she could still see the girl on her phone. Her brows furrowed in worry and she was hoping maybe she wouldn't have to pry, maybe the girl would just need someone to vent to.
yoo jimin 8 months ago
@bobby kim jimin glared at bobby, her anger still burning hot within her chest. she had heard his insincere apology, and it only fueled her frustration. "you're sorry?" she spat out the words, her voice trembling with a mixture of hurt and anger. "sorry doesn't erase what you did, jiwon."

she took a step closer, her eyes locked onto his. "you left me for someone else without a second thought. you made me feel like I wasn't enough. do you have any idea what that does to a person?" her voice wavered, but she refused to let her tears fall.

jimin's resentment boiled over, and she continued, "I don't need your pity. I need you to understand the pain you caused and the damage you've done. you may not be the settling down type, but that doesn't excuse treating people like disposable objects." with that, she turned away, her emotions too raw to continue the conversation.
bobby kim 8 months ago
@yoo jimin bobby typically never acted in such a way, especially towards one of his exes, mind you the male didn't have very many official exes either, and the ones he did have, really decided to cut losses with him and never contact him again. unfortunately for him, jimin lived in the same complex building that he did so it was a little harder for either of them to avoid each other, and jimin was not his typical ex. perhaps that's why he felt more of a connection towards her, but alas, the male wasnt letting down.

he was who he was, he never was the type to settle down, and he did his part in making sure anyone he got involved with knew that, he might have toyed with a few feelings here and there, but commitment had really scared him. that's why he was the complete jerk that was standing in front of jimin today, that's why he kept saying the things he did, he didn't want to admit his fears.

thrown off guard by the slap to his cheek, bobby rubbed it slightly a small snort coming from him as he shook his head. "feel better at all?" he mumbled lightly, a rhetorical question. "and?" he rolled his eyes lightly, losing interest in the conversation ever more, the more she called him out the more defensive he could feel himself getting, the male had a lot that he needed to work on, and he knew that. "jimin, i'm sorry," he didn't sound sincere "i couldn't do it no more, I had to move on, okay?" he took a breath for a moment. "just... move on?" he said a bit louder than he intended.

his gaze met hers and the male could see the hurt that he had put her through and bobby had a mix of emotions that ran through him, one on hand if anyone had done his friends (or sister if he had one) like this, he would have confronted them and made them own up to their mistakes in a heart beat, on the other he had never been confronted in such a way that made him realize his actions before. "you deserve better." he mumbled lightly almost inaudible, even to himself.
lee minho 9 months ago
@kim seungmin @kim bora "to be honest, i don't think i should be here," minho laughed, pulling his water up to his mouth to take a sip, eyes squinting underneath the beaming sun. "strict diet and all. the snacks they have out only make it more tempting for me to ditch being healthy for a day. i think they call it 'cheat day,' right?" he shot a glance in the direction of his best (and shortest) friend, bora, who he had arrived with and had been walking around the pool party with. minho had always been a bit of a social butterfly, it never being too hard for him to make friends or get to know people that he otherwise knew nothing about. he's sure this time around, too, there wouldn't be any difficulty. though, he always much more preferred the company of those that he knew, hence why he hadn't stuck around for many conversations that didn't involve the woman with him today. admittedly with all this said, it was still a lot of being around new people today. combined with the hours he had spent in the gym this morning? minho's social battery was surely starting to deplete if it hadn't already.

"i'm also all for getting to know our building and our neighbors, but shouldn't we have already left? i feel like we've been here for hours and it's only been," minho paused to check his phone, a pout forming on his lips when his gaze met bora's again, "45 minutes."
yoo jimin 9 months ago
@bobby kim his words, once familiar, now cut like a double-edged sword, reopening old wounds. the mention of her former favorite brought a pang of bittersweet nostalgia, the sting of memories painted with laughter and affection. she gazed at him, a whirlwind of emotions churning within her, but she refused to let his calculated jabs break her resolve.

"used to be," she retorted, her voice steady despite the torrent of emotions. "but some things change, and some things stay the same." Her words held an edge of defiance, her gaze unwavering as she met his eyes. she had grown, evolved from the girl who once chased his attention, and she was determined to show him just how much.

as his sentence about moving on hung in the air, a flicker of vulnerability flashed in his eyes, momentarily catching her off guard. the storm in his gaze was reflected in hers, a tempestuous mix of anger, hurt, and an inexplicable longing. but she wasn't about to let herself be reduced to a pawn in his game.

her palm stung with the impulse she could no longer contain, her hand connecting with his cheek in a resounding slap. the sharp sound reverberated in the space between them, a physical manifestation of her frustration and anger. her voice carried a weight that matched the intensity of the moment. "you don't get to demean what we had and blame it on some twisted idea of how 'guys' are supposed to be. you left, jiwon. you left me for someone else because you were too afraid to commit. don't pretend you're the victim here."

her words hung in the air, a charged silence enveloping them. she held her ground, her eyes locked onto his, a blend of hurt and defiance swirling within her gaze. the past was etched into their interaction, but she was determined to rewrite the narrative, to seize her voice and her power back from the hands that once held her heart.
bobby kim 9 months ago
@yoo jimin "funny, used to be your favorite." his voice wasn't menacing at all in this small moment, except more soft and lost in thought than he intended. in fact the statement was used more as a side comment to himself more than anything, he wondered, if it were coming from another's mouth would she perhaps have gotten all giddy as she did before? it would be just as easy for her to do the things they once did together with another, so why does he always have to be in the wrong.

"then i could move on to the next just like i did you." he said glaring at the other, not knowing where his words were coming from, but in the moment they felt right, or maybe the male was getting a too prideful of himself, he wasn't sure.

bobby's eyes danced around the others face, as he fought the mix of emotions that he was experiencing, if he had actually felt so remorseful towards her why was he saying such horrible things? to him, he thought it would be better this way, the meaner he was the easier it would be for the two of them to walk away from this situation. to forget what had happened between them and move onto better things in their life. "well when you can't entertain me long enough to keep my attention what am i supposed to do?" he said almost emotionless with a numb expression. "the false hope was just a ruse, haven't you ever met a guy? it's what we do!" he said his voice raising slightly with each word. the last words that came out of had choked the other up a bit, and he had almost let himself slip. "good, maybe that's what i wanted from the beginning." he sneered.
yoo jimin 9 months ago
@bobby kim "shut your mouth; that nickname is disgusting," jimin utters firmly. she doesn't want to be reminded of the nickname he used to call her. she never wants to think about it again. it's plainly repulsive and annoying to her now. while in the past, she might have giggled and kicked her feet whenever he used that term, in this moment, it sounds like something she wishes she had never heard.

"of course, you can find that anywhere, kim jiwon. I didn't say you couldn't. I'm just saying it won't last much longer." jimin clenches her fists, struggling to control her rising anger, even though it's difficult for her to stand up for herself.

the moment he says that, tears start welling up on her rosy cheeks. "so now you're putting the blame on me? wow, kim jiwon," she mutters, wiping her wet cheek and letting out a scoff. "you're unbelievable. are you trying to play the victim now? if you hadn't given me false hope, I wouldn't have accepted you in the first place!" she yells, tears brimming down her cheeks once again as she looks away. "I hate you really."
bobby kim 9 months ago
@yoo jimin bobby observed the girls eyes, and he wasn't sure if it was the evening lighting mixed with the artificial lighting around the pool, but the reflections in her eyes made her seem a bit more hurt than what bobby had expected, or perhaps he didn't really consider the others feelings up until this point. bobby's posture straightened up a bit as he had forgotten the drink in his hand.

the following words that came out of his mouth where almost involuntary and the male couldn't help but feel instant regret as he said them. "baby doll, i can find happiness anywhere." he said his cockiness overcoming him, as he tried his hardest to hide the hurt from the other in front of him. "i'm only as bad as you let me be." he scoffed finally. "it takes two to make a situation bad." that was a half lie.

"i'll have to pay?" bobby shook his head, before taking a deep breath, as he was preventing himself from being angry at the moment. "you don't think i haven't already? you think I haven't been in pain?" he looked at her, crushing the red solo cup in his hand. "dammit, jimin, i *actually* cared about you. I told you from the beginning, i'm not the type to settle down! *you* chose to continue the relationship!" he shook his head, his face turning red from his blood rising. "If you would have said no, none of this would have happened."
yoo jimin 9 months ago
@bobby kim jimin's eyes blazed with a mixture of hurt, anger, and frustration. she clenched her fists, feeling her nails digging into her palms as she struggled to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions. bobby's dismissive words cut through her like a knife, and her patience had worn thin. the familiar sting of tears threatened to well up in her eyes, but she was determined not to let him see her weakness.

"you're a bad person," she hissed, her voice trembling with a mix of resentment and disappointment. her anger fueled her words, pushing them out like fiery darts. "I cursed you... I hope even if you end up with someone else after this, you won't be happy. even if you're happy, those moments of happiness won't last long, kim jiwon."

jimin's chest heaved with a mixture of emotions, and she couldn't hold back any longer. with a sudden surge of energy, she lifted her hand and struck his chest with her open palm, the sound echoing in the air. It was a physical release of the pent-up emotions that had been building within her.

tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them away defiantly. she wouldn't let him see her cry. she stared at him, her gaze burning into his, her voice shaky but determined. "you'll have to pay for the amount of pain you brought me," she declared, her voice carrying a weight of both anger and sorrow.
bobby kim 9 months ago
@yoo jimin Bobby shooed his friends away from ease dropping in on their conversation. Both his sake and hers, the male might have been heartless about the feelings of others, or so he was told, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care about privacy. As much as he could allow anyhow, considering the two of them were still in a very public area.

“Do you really *think* I would show up here just for you?” Imphasizing on the word ‘think’. Of course there was a small bit of hope that he’d pass her. He wasn’t sure what it was in him that longed to see her despite his player attitude, but he never wanted things to go like this. Bobby had hoped that the other would have moved on by now or not have seen him. “Why can’t you let it go?” He asked a little harsher than intended.

“I’m sorry Jimin, but I warned you from the beginning I wasn’t ready for anything serious.” He couldn’t help the bit of anger surging through his body, his voice hissing through his teeth as he tried to stay quiet. “I’m not acting like nothing happened, I just prefer not to dwell on things!”
yoo jimin 9 months ago
@bobby kim "seriously, kim jiwon?" jimin's voice cracked as she stared at him, disbelief and a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "you've got to be kidding me. maybe you show up here, to this pool party, knowing I'd be here too?"

the memory of their past still stung, the wounds far from healed. "you think you can just act like none of that ever happened? like you didn't leave me for someone else without a second thought?" her voice wavered, a mix of anger and sadness in her tone.

she met his gaze, her eyes challenging him to understand the depth of her hurt. "and I splashed that drink because I couldn't stand seeing you act like nothing happened. you hurt me, jiwon and don't you dare tell me that it's all in the past. you don't get to dictate how I should feel."
bobby kim 9 months ago
@yoo jimin the ambiance of the pool and music playing in the background was enough for bobby to be his social self. the male had decided to take the day off upon reading the flyer saying that there would be a pool party that the complex would be holding for the residence to have a chance to get to know one another, and enjoy a last day before the end of summer. so the male had spent his day talking to a few of his friends, here and there.

it was when bobby was with his regular group of friends when he was thrown off guard by a splash of liquid in his face. deserved... probably. his friends let out a shocked oh, and a few laughter here and there, watching the scene that was unfolding in front of them. bobby wiped his face from the liquid, and actually looked at the person who had committed the action. he cleared his throat lightly, shaking his head.

"jimin, please." his voice low, trying to cause less attention to them that what was already started. "it's been over between me and you for a while, and trust me... she's gone too." he admitted. bobby wasn't the one to get attached to others. he did have some feelings for jimin but he would never admit that to anyone, including himself. "but why shouldn't i show up here?" he asked, trying to hide the small smirk that was showing on his face. this was not the time.
yoo jimin 9 months ago
@bobby kim colorful lights danced across the water's surface, creating a vibrant backdrop for the festivities. the evening was warm, the air filled with a sense of carefree enjoyment. jimin's gaze drifted across the crowd, taking in the sight of people laughing, dancing, and enjoying themselves and then, her eyes locked onto a figure that sent a jolt of surprise and an undercurrent of anger through her.

there he was, kim jiwon more knowned as bobby , her ex-boyfriend, standing by the poolside and chatting with a group of people. it had been a long time since their breakup, but the memory of his betrayal still stung. she had heard he had moved on to someone else while they were still together, leaving her feeling hurt and discarded.

the bitterness she had tried to bury resurfaced, fueled by the sight of him looking so carefree and unapologetic. without a second thought, her fingers released their hold on the cup, and before she could fully comprehend her actions, she was moving toward him with determined steps. as she reached him, her emotions bubbled over, a mixture of anger and hurt demanding to be acknowledged. she raised her hand, the cup's contents forgotten, and with a swift motion, she splashed the cold liquid directly into his face. the shock on his features mirrored her own satisfaction in that fleeting moment.

"did you think I'd just forget what you did? it's funny that you're even here, kim jiwon. shouldn't you go to your es and have fun with her ? ah wait, maybe she's around too?"


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grandemint 7 months ago
i'm sorry my loves, jungkook & jiyeon are taking their leave. i love you guys sm, thank you for the fun !!
nezukochan 8 months ago
lee sunmi as a soloist is a nurse and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment. — open to being roommates/having roommates.
gotohellu 8 months ago
byun baekhyun from exo is an air steward and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment -- open to roommates!
052128d15b1b425d58da 8 months ago
lee gahyeon of dreamcatcher is a 'security guard' and is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, whatever is open and is happy for room mates too
pricksosism 8 months ago
Im Siwan as an actor (or I would say ZE:A :")) is a legal researcher, is requesting a 3 bedroom, also looking for roommates. Thanks!
-diluc 8 months ago
jung wooyoung from ateez is a video game animator, is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom depending on availability, and is open to roommates. thank you <3
zoroswife 8 months ago
choi hyunwook as an actor is a university student / model and is requesting a 3 bedroom.
eihGeB 8 months ago
seo changbin from skz is a tattoo artist and is requesting 3 bedroom/or whatever you have. open for roommates. thanks!
parsley 8 months ago
⠀⠀⠀〈 ᴘᴀɴᴏʀᴀᴍᴀ 〉:: now open!
⠀→ only accepting three bedrooms apps or those who are rooming with others! (Only request if you know who your roommate is and you’ve discussed ooc with them)
⠀→ please read the rules before commenting!
⠀→ full name must be used when reserving, and please use the comment format below to reserve!

⠀⠀[full name here] from [group/why they're famous] is a [character occupation] and is requesting a [1/2/3 bedroom]

note: if you are rooming with someone please state that in your comment or app! either one is fine! :D
[comment deleted by owner]
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