I know I owe you guys a reply. I know I do to some people.
I'm just having a really ty day today.
God, if you were in my position, you would've shut everyone out for the day and not do at all.
That's how ty my day is today.
Please forgive me I know I do owe you guys replies but please just let me get this day over with and I'll get them done.
Thanks for understanding.
If you're the type of person who can't stand waiting any longer for my replies, go ahead. You're free to unfriend me or leave my character because I'm honestly done with apologizing and trying to make you understand. I have a life outside too and I try my best to please everyone.
But I guess I can't always please people because they think that I should always be involved in their lives in this rp. Like if I reply ooc to them, they expect me to reply to their characters too.
Am I not allowed to talk freely ooc?
See... I do have a ty day today. We all have it.
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