Two Decades under the belt. Happy Birthday to me ^_^ (Birthday shout outs RPR)


Now I know to a lot of you this might just be another trivial thing but in all honesty, I never in my life due to waht I was told as a child and what people projected on me; alongside watching most of the kids I grew up with, never in a million years did I expect to live to see twenty or older. You can ask most people that I was completly convinced I would die before I made it to this point, 25 at the oldest if I was extreemly lucky.  So I'm taking this time to say thanks to all of  my friends who have been brought into my life. This one is specially for my few friends here that I miss and don't really get to talk to or speak with that often. Tis a small list of people I've kept in touch with but I do want to give them their own little spots on my wall.

  • xicewolf- Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeena~. You are a great friend and really wish we spoke more often cause I need more of you in my life. You're an amazing friend and don't you stop being the best you can be! You do owe me some damn PM RP when ya muse comes back. I demand this! Or i will fly down there and I will break ya legs for real! :P
  • Jhopeexoticvip- Sissy! I don't tell you enough that I love you and am so very happy that I met you and made such a great friend. I know we don't damn near talk as much as we should but we will get to work on the book! I promise! It will be done if it kills me!
  • Oxytocin - Hey you, ya ghost you! Where the hell have you been! I know we don't talk damn near much at all, but hey, I miss you and I want you to know I do think about you pretty often, drop me a line, let me know how you are doing!
  • katsuki - Flaaaaaaaaaaaame! My darling amazing layout master haha. I know we also lost touch too but I miss you doll, you're a dear frend of mine and wish you would release even more of you're amazing layouts :)

Everyone else, we've fell way outa touch but don't forget I'm only ever a PM away from ya'll. And to anyone I had beef with/people who I got into petty arguments from the past year or so. I want to reach out to ya'll cause at the end of the day we all are just tryna have fun here and do what we come on here to do. Talk to friends and roleplay. So, to everyone I've ever had a petty beef with........KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY IN 2018! PETTIEST MOTHERER ON THE PLANET xP Nah for real, keep that same energy tho. One love ya'll. Thanks for making last year amazing on RPR. Here's to another great one! 


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Jhopeexoticvip 7 years ago
Aw you're so adorable. :* You know I love you and yes we will eventually finish it. I hope you had a great birthday though. And only one more year until you can buy alcohol! Lol I love you!
sweetdreams 7 years ago
I don't know you- buuuut that won't stop me from wishing you a happy birthday! Make it a day to celebrate with the people you love <3 for many, many birthdays to come.
/hands over a birthday cake, with candles ofc
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