Anyone want to rp with any of these characters...? ♡♡♡ I'm borrred >


Name: Satoshi Sora
Nickname: Bou
Age: Legal, Height: 149.2667cm
Occupation: Yakuza boss (speciality arms trade)
Timezone: GMT+1
Preferred POV: 3rd semi-para to para

Bou is the 5th and youngest son to the arguably most powerful couple in Japan: the master and mistress of the Yamaguchi-gumi. Due to being more of a liability than an asset, he was sent away to Korea to do... Something or other. His parents have no real expectations for Bou. While he is the head of their arms trade base in Korea, they sent along some advisors to make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid like accidentally blow up Seoul.

About Bou
Let's start with the things he doesn't like, shall we? Girls. Women. Female anythings (with the exception of clothing). Bou has a very, very strong fear of women. Tall people. They make him feel self-conscious. The same goes for very cute, innocent-looking people. They annoy the heck out of him. His real name is another thing he hates. It's too girly for his tastes. Bou is a man. A very manly man. Wearing frilly lolita dresses does not change that. *cough*

Now that we've got that covered, let's see what he likes. First of all, his clothes. Tying for a close second are his hair and his stuffed animals. , cake, his gun Lola and his hunting knife Gertrude - both of which are strapped onto his thighs at almost all times - make up 3rd, 4th and 5th place respectively. As we've already mentioned Lola, let me point out that Bou is very trigger-happy and the first thing he does when he gets upset is shoot at people, so tread carefully (or learn to dodge).

Name: Xing Ye
Age: 24, Height: 177cm
Status: In an open relationship
Occupation: Florist & Luxury producer
Timezone: GMT+1
Preferred POV: 3rd semi-para to para

When you see Xingye peacefully going about his way with his pretty flower boutique, long soft hair spilling over his tall, slender body he can be the picture of peace and calm. Xingye has a gentle smile, a tender gaze and silky, soothing voice. For fun, he likes to keep the pretense of an androgynous fairy, wearing scarves to hide his adams apple.

Xingye is really just a very girly boy with a very high-pitched scream. He is easily frightened, narcissistic, bossy and arrogant. Basically, he's a "mean girl". He is currently dating the next-in-line to a very powerful yakuza group called the Yamaguchi-gumi. Yes, that would be Bou's elder brother. They are in an open long-distance relationship. Xingye sleeps around, but he's the jealous, emotional type (and a hypocrite) and regularly threatens to cut his boyfriend's off if he dares touch another. For some inexplainable reason, his boyfriend finds that endearing...

Xingye discovered at an early age that next to growing flowers, he also had a green thumb for weed. He also liked to smoke it. Naturally, he would only settle for the best. Unfortunately the best was jack sh*t so he started his own plantation. Xingye produces quality, not quantity. His product was engineered by himself, you won't find the same plant anywhere else. His clients are the top of the brass, those with money and those who want to get high without exposing themselves to more addictive drugs. And, of course, those with good taste. Xingye doesn't sell just one type of weed, but his best-seller has got to be the 'black widow'. It's strong, tastes good, smokes easily and leaves a pleasant after-taste.

Let's summarize. Xingye owns an exclusive, popular and expensive product. His business is a cash cow, so how come (1) he hasn't expanded, and (2) the drug rings haven't shut him down and stolen his recipes. Well, he's not interested in all the administrative hassle that would come with expanding and his boyfriend keeps the angry competitors off of his heels. All in all, he lives quite a nice life.


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silvermist1116 6 years ago
I’ll rp with you. Can be excluded?
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