Combat Teaser

Status [M]

Survival: Red Dawn will be a story driven and combat-based role play so we thought it would be a good idea to show you a little bit about how combat will work. Combat is divided into stages which can be explained in further detail in the roleplay but for now, here is the summary:

Pre Combat - Plot to figure out the start of the encounter and determine turn order
Pre Stealth - do the survivors get a free round of hits?
Stealth - if applicable, survivors beat the snot out of the unsuspecting zombie
Combat - in the order determined in pre combat: Declare your attack! do you hit? How hard - Defense = Damage done. Post your kickass description of that attack. Next player up. Rinse and repeat until someone or something dies.
Loot - if alive

In this scene, the Zombie had been spawned by chance in this location and Alissa indicated to them before she posted that she was going there to initiate combat. Her stats and gear which would be on her profile in a specially designed layout are that of an early game survivor and those provide her combat bonuses. The zombie is a level 1 Walker and their stats are allocated accordingly. This would be the Pre-Combat stage.

Alissa’s Bonuses and State are as follows based on her gear and skills: +1 Search, +1 Stealth Damage, +1 Detect Enemy, +10 Health, +3 Melee Damage, +4 Defense, +3 Ranged Damage. Health 110

The Zombie is a level 1 Walker and his stats are thus: Zombie 1:  Defense 0 Damage Rolls: +1 Speed: Slow - Survivors will always get to go first unless the zombie got the jump on some Unfocused people or the survivors failed to spot them. Perception -2 Health 100

@Zombie 1 In the cold morning light, Alissa can just barely make out the lettering of the old neon sign that hangs above the building in front of her. It says ‘St. Hild’s Urgent Care Clinic’ and she feels a small wave of relief at having found somewhere to scrounge for much needed medical supplies. As she quietly makes her way closer to the clear glass door, she can smell the acrid stench of death that indicates maybe one of the zombies are nearby.
Pulling out her trusty wooden bat, she peeks around what she could see of the inside; making sure to keep her eyes open for zombies.

*rolls dice* gets a 2
(This is the Pre-Stealth stage and Alissa was successful. Only a 1 would not see the Zombie. Zombies don’t hide from survivors… yet :3 Alissa goes to Stealth)

With the zombie spotted, she creeps closer to the undead creature with her bat raised to deliver a punishing blow.
(This is Alissa declaring what attack she is using so that she and everyone else knows what to expect and which bonuses to add.)

*rolls dice* gets a 4
(This is her Damage roll since she doesn’t need to roll this round to see if she hits. All attacks made by Survivors are automatically critical attacks.)

@Zombie 1 /Alissa deals 16 Damage to Zombie 1/
(4 for the Damage roll + 3 for her Melee Bonuses + 1 Stealth Damage because it is the Stealth round is 8 * 2 for the critical attack which equals 16. 16 - 0 for the Zombie’s defense = 16 Damage done)

A low growl of anger issues from the blue-haired woman as she brings the bat across her body with all the force her tiny frame could muster; connecting with the zombie square in the chest and filling the small space with an uncomfortable squishing sound when the rotten flesh gives some way.
(This whole thing together with the Damage is Alissa’s action post which describes what her attack did according to her skills and stats. At higher levels, survivors will be able to sever limbs and knock down opponents for further advantage but as of right now, she cannot. Alissa can only write that she impacted the Zombie in a small way unless she has one of those skills or it is the killing blow, and then she can go crazy with it. From here, because she is the only survivor and she cannot maintain Stealth it proceeds to the combat stage where the encounter begins at the top of the turn order according to the Zombie’s speed so Alissa gets to attack again but this is a regular attack. The Zombie can react to getting hit on what would be their turn, even in Stealth, if the group or partners want to let the Zombie do something.)

Zombie 1
@Alissa 84/100
(The zombie is posting its current Health)

The force of the hit causes the walking corpse to list to the right and stumble forward a step, something like a confused groan coming from somewhere within the husk.

As the adrenaline courses through her veins, Alissa pulls back her wooden bat and prepares to slug the walking corpse again.

*rolls dice* gets a 3
(1 is a miss, 2-5 are regular hits, and 6’s are critical hits for double damage. Now that she knows she hit, she rolls to see her damage.)

*rolls dice* gets a 5

@Zombie 1 /Alissa deals 8 Damage to Zombie 1/
(5 for the Damage roll + 3 for her melee bonuses is 8 - 0 for the Zombie’s defense = 8)

Alissa hits the Zombie for a second time, the hard wooden surface crashing into the bony shoulder of the undead creature.
(This ends Alissa’s turn for this round of combat as she can only make one attack per turn. Others may choose to write more or less, going into more detail but for this exercise we wanted to keep it somewhat brief but we encourage you all to really have fun with the violence!)

Zombie 1
@Alissa 76/100 Health

After the subsequent hit, the slow-moving walker was finally roused to action and lunges towards Alissa with both arms and baring its rotten teeth.

Zombie 1
*rolls dice* gets a 2

Zombie 1
*rolls dice* gets a 4

Zombie 1
@Alissa 76/100 Health
/ Zombie 1 deals 1 Damage to Alissa/
(4 for the Damage roll + 1 for its melee bonuses is 5 -4 for Alissa’s defense = 1)

Groping hands slide right off of the female’s torso, causing the Zombie to stumble forward into her. Reacting purely on instinct, it bites at the nearest thing it can reach; chomping down on her upper arm but getting mostly jacket in its teeth.

@Zombie 1 109/110 Health

A small tinge of pain draws her attention to the offending jaws and she grabs both ends of the bat, gripping it tightly as she quickly tries to strike his head or shoulders and dislodge him from her.

*rolls dice* gets a 6
(critical hit! Double damage time)

*rolls dice* gets a 2

@Zombie 1 109/100 Health
/Alissa deals 10 Damage to Zombie 1/
( 2 for the Damage roll + 3 for her bonuses is 5 * 2 for the crit equals 10 - 0 for the Zombie’s defense)

With a short and quick movement, she manages to hit the zombie in the head with a little more force than she realized she could muster.

Zombie 1
@Alissa 66/100 Health

The short knock staggers the zombie slightly but his bloodlust is up and he immediately lunges for another attack.

Zombie 1
*rolls dice* gets a 1

Zombie 1
@Alissa 66/100 Health
(A miss means he doesn’t get to roll damage and his attack didn’t land properly. It ends his turn.)

Perhaps too eager and entirely uncoordinated, the zombie trips over his own feet and ends up wide to the left of the female survivor.


That is a brief taste of what combat is like. Zombies aren’t exactly meant to be faced alone and are designed to be threats for small groups to face together. After Alissa kills the zombie it goes into the looting phase where the zombie will post something like this with their individual loot table.The Zombie, if not an admin themselves, tags an admin in this post as well to let the admin know to add the Activity Points to the survivors who won.

Zombie 1
@Mysterious Stranger @Alissa Zombie 1 is defeated! Each survivor still conscious wins 50 Activity Points and one item off of the following table. Make luck be with you.
1: Machete - Bladed weapon - +3 Melee Damage
2: 1 Food
3: 1 Medical Supplies
4: 2 Ammo
5: Reinforced Jeans - Pants - +1 Defense
6: Combat Boots - Shoes - + 1 Defense

(Then, in their combat order, each survivor who was still alive rolls the dice once to see what they won off of the dead Zombie.) 

*rolls dice* gets a 3


With a satisfied smile on her face, she bends down to pick up her prize from the pile of goo that remains of the walking corpse. Using its own clothes to clean off the container as best as she could, she then carefully tucks away the small satchel of Medical Supplies in her backpack.

/Encounter End/


Just a teaser for the new zombie rp that will be opening later this week. It is called ‘Survival: Red Dawn’ and it will be a bit unlike anything else currently on this site. With a focus on dynamic storytelling alongside a combat system reminiscent of roleplaying tabletop and video games that allows characters to grow, adapt and evolve to their dangerous surroundings it will offer a blend of all three mediums. All survivors will start at level 1 with some basic stats and supplies but it is up to the player how to build and equip their character for the best chance at beating back the undead hordes.

Accepting Reservations now; please comment below who you would like to reserve.

AU, mature themes (not just !), survival and horror
Combat systems using dice
In depth character creation and leveling system
Build communities together to avoid being wiped out by the undead     
Internationals accepted
All orientations


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