advice about writing style


so i had been on the padlet last night, the one that caused so much drama. 

but anyway, while i was lurking there and reading everyone's posts, there was one who asked for help about a problem they're facing 

i cannot recall the whole thing and the content, but from what i remember the person has difficulty responding to replies bc of their length/style. they felt pressured bc it is not something they're used to and it caused them to procrastinate and lose muse. the partner is a nice person and they kept seeing them in other rps, and they were always asked by them to rp. by no means do they dislike the person, they just don't know how to approach them about the topic of their lack of replies and why they're taking so long to answer 

again, this is what i can recall. i might be wrong here or there but this is the basic 

anyway, to the person who posted that, here is my answer for you. i don't know if you've seen my response on the padlet, but in case you haven't, here it is. i hope you'll see this 

and this is also to everyone who are struggling to answer their partners' threads due to differences in writing style and feeling the need to write something just as good or following their writing style 

my reply to that is: you don't have to change your own writing style just to conform to another person's 

if you are having difficulty replying to the person due to differences in style, tell them. pm them and explain why you're having a difficult time replying, remind them that it's not their fault (bc some people may feel bad for using their own writing style on others and ending up making their partners feel pressured) and ask if you can use your own style of writing to respond to them. if the person drops the thread bc they don't like your writing style, then there goes, there's nothing you can do about it; but if the person accepts your writing style no matter what, then that's great! 

as someone who writes something as fancy as purple prose or novella, or something mediocre like para or descriptive, or something simple like first pov, i usually just follow what my partner is most comfortable with. i have met people who are perfectly fine with rping in 3rd while their partner rps in 1st and vice versa, and honestly that's something very beautiful! there's no correct way of writing your response, as long as everyone involved is having fun and no one is feeling uncomfortable, i really don't see a problem in differences in writing style 

so basically, the conclusion is: tell that partner that you love their writing style, but that you would like to use your own style of writing to respond to them since it's something you're comfortable with. it's better than not telling them and just continuing to feel pressured by their style of writing. there's beauty in seeing the differences in style, i feel, seeing how everyone's writing vary from person to person 

that's all! i hope this makes sense asdfjkl honestly i probably lost the main point somewhere in my rambling but still, i hope this can assure whoever this concern may affect! 

again, everyone's writing styles are beautiful in their own way, as long as everyone involved in the thread are comfortable with it, then go for it! 


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yxgurt 4 years ago
a writing style differs from person to person and it's nice when you have your own. if you feel like you don't fit in you can talk to the person without hesitation. i had people that really wanted to try writing with me and our writings were not compatible. as a result, we decided to write the replies in our own writing style. like, you can write in your style without changing it for somebody. well-- unless you really put no effort in your replies then it's another problem. some people really work a lot on their replies.
yxgurt 4 years ago
yes, it's simple like that.
f8ce826464717fc07375 4 years ago
Intellectual tenpachi
6b068719178bcb5c7d45 4 years ago
thats so sweet of you to say that. i was part of the padlet disaster last night /mostly just read posts/ i haven't tried 3rd pov that much because i think my english is so bad that people don't understand me...haha but like any tips on how to approach someone who are like really good at what they do and try to explain to them you're not a good english speaker? I've been struggling so much with these for my whole life i'm sorry if im rambling but ishsjd
scampi 4 years ago
u w u you're such a sweetheart <3
is this permission for me to respond to you like
/s & /continues
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