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Talking to another one of my writing partners in OOC, I thought of this and thought I had better post it for all of you. I say all of you because I rp with 90 percent of the people I have as friends. Those that I don’t? Well you can just disregard this completely but it would also be nice if you’d skip to the last two paragraphs because there are bits in them that go for everyone. <3


This week is going to be very tough on me at work. One of the girls is on vacation and the other two don’t really like to pick up the slack at all. This leaves me taking care of the customers in question. I’m already quite stressed as it is weekly here so this is just adding on extra stress for me. You all pretty much know I suffer from stress headaches that boarder on migraine strength so I am almost betting this happens this week too.


I’ll explain why I am telling you this as well as the following. I need you all to understand my OOC life. I have very little time for myself as it is. Let me break this down for you. I have to be up at 5 am every morning to get ready to make the trek into town. (The past two weeks though it’s been 4am because my dog WILL NOT let me sleep.) The trip takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to 50 one way. Add this up and I spend a bit over an hour and half in my car Monday through Friday. I’m here for 9 hours, 8 working and one hour on lunch. During that hour I usually run errands or honestly, catch a little much needed cat nap. Then when I get home, I have a Mom that has been alone all day long and needing to talk to a human being. I could go into more detail here but this is insanely personal as to why things are this way. Long story short? My parents are divorced. I spend a couple of hours with her before showering and taking care of my two pets for the night. I usually only have about an hour in which to spend in ways that I want to spend it. This is if I’m luck. Most nights I do try to poke on and off but it doesn’t happen as often as I like it to. I then have to be in bed by around 8 because it takes an hour for my brain to even wind down from the day and allow me to sleep. If I get under 7 hours of sleep? Well my airheaded behavior gets a million times worse. I make tiny mistakes that I can’t usually afford to make. Sometimes I’m lucky and only make them in my writing which I hate but it’s better to make them there than at work.


The weekend? I spend most of it with my best friend on Skype. I’m the type or person that I just cannot tell someone I love no or anything like that. Lately I have really just wanted some alone time that I desperately need but I still sign on for hours on end because I love her dearly. Weekends are good though because after 4, I have about an hour to settle things that need to be settled and then get on to RP. I stick to my sleeping schedule even on the weekends because I am up at 6 am to talk to my best friend (she’s in Sweden and I’m in the US). That and as I mentioned, my dog refuses to let me sleep lately. I could go into details on her but she’s incredible ill so I can’t really stop this. I’ve ignored the whining but it’s still going on even if I yell at her as well from time to time. Right now I feel like I could sleep for hours on end because I was up too late last night and had so much trouble falling to sleep. More personal things that I could get into but won’t…


Why am I telling you all of this? To ask you to please, please bare with me this week if I’m slow. I can only promise to reply once a day and if I don’t reply once a day? Please do poke me and remind me. I have a tendency to read the replies when I can on my phone (even in the middle of the night XD) and mentally tell myself that I am going to reply later only to forget to do that. That or as it happened this weekend, I chit chat OOC sometimes on my character’s wall and the reply gets lost.


PMs? I’m forever awful for doing this too. They are worse actually since as I said, I sometimes check on things in the middle of the night. SO PLEASE, if you ever, ever PM me and I don’t answer you back within the day? POKE me. I’ve merely forgotten to reply to them with everything going 90 mph in my head. I will never ever ignore someone on purpose. It’s not in my nature to do that. You will NEVER hurt my feelings by poking me to remind me just like I would never intentionally hurt your feelings by ‘ignoring’ your messages. Just to make that clear, alright?


I adore you all or else I wouldn’t have you friended back. I'm sure this post is all over the place but that's how my poor little airhead is. <3


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taohuna 11 years ago
O,fg bby if I was this hectic.. In life I wouldn't be on here. Of course when college starts, I'll be not on here as much or at all, but please take care. Take care of yourself. Don't worry about replies. Omfg.
I'm literally forcing you Right now.
Better get to life before replies.
I'm so glad you didn't go on with our rp. And, im not letting you rp with me unless you have like a million hours of nothing. To do.
Take care of yourself. Ma'am.
-moonlight 11 years ago
I hope you are okay~
blackpearl_ 11 years ago
*pokes you* okay baby, just take care of your dog, family, friend and yourself! I don't mind at all if I have to wait ^^ Just get better.
-fire-and-light- 11 years ago
Well you already know our rules between each other, so no worries sweet, :P <3

You rest up as much as you can and take your time. Our boys can wait, it won't kill them, XD Considering how long I've been taking to reply anyway. So don't worry.

I can actually relate a lot to some of the things you've mentioned. And all I want to do right now is give you the world's biggest hug, which is hard with being the other side of the globe. I guess a virtual one will do? *sends you lots of love*
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