My Truth


I’ve been thinking about sharing my story for a while. It might not be my place to do so since I haven’t really been here for so long but given recent events... I simply don’t care anymore. This should’ve been addressed much sooner and I’m just tired at this point.

So here is my experience with that one specific user ˚✧₊ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ 

I met this user through my best friend and have heard pretty good things about them at that time. That they were kind, stood up for people, cared for others... all of that sounded pretty nice but soon turned out to be... at least sort of wrong. Sure, they’re a nice friend and all. As long as they still like you.


(Disclaimer: I have screenshots of every case, proving what I’m telling everyone here and backing my story up. I will upload them to a Google doc and provide them to anyone who asks to see them. For legal reasons, all the names in those screenshots are blacked out.)


Case #1: the royal au incident 

It all started in a royal au that we were in. It was pretty popular and actually pretty cool. The user, however, was blacklisted on their main account so they decided to join with their second account . What I didn’t know at that time was that they were blacklisted on their main. And that they also joined with two more accounts. Because the rp did not allow each user more than one character at that time. So not only did they join a place where the admins didn’t want them, they also broke the rules. And after a while the admins found out. They decided to ask the user to leave with two of their three accounts, allowing them to still stay. The user, however, chose to leave altogether and post a blog with the following lines: “[...] i’m just tired of people being two faced [...]” (Jun 23, 2020, friends only blog).

I decided to message them through kkt, asking what happened. They claimed that the admins kicked them out simply because they didn’t like the user. They also claimed, that they didn’t break any of the rp rules. My question, if they were in that royal au with multiple accounts, was dodged. When I told the user that I wanted to confront the admins they tried to stop me. However, I still confronted the admins and they told me what had actually went down.

When I confronted the user about it, they claimed that they had only been in the rp with one account. 

“[...] the only account I had in [royal au rp] was [1. character name + un], and I have a friend from brazil [...] who wanted to join it, so I helped her make her account and then she joined as [2. character name]? But then I think she made another alt to join it as [3. character name]” (Jun 24, 2020, kkt pm)

They proceeded to explain that they wanted to leave that rp anyway and that everything was simply bad timing. Meaning they denied that those three accounts were theirs.

However, the admins had the ip addresses from those accounts and they were all the same. And they even showed me the proof.

When confronted with that once again, they simply said that they used a vpn. That would’ve changed the ip though, the evidence still stood and when I said that I didn’t believe them and hated being lied to they just ghosted me and deleted their kkt. And that was the end of that whole thing.


Case #2: the friends only rp incident

A few months went by and I joined a friends only ateez-rp. I didn’t know any of the people there too well but we grew close rather quickly. That’s when that one person there started seeming like that one user. They even rped the character that I knew the user tended to use. Once those suspicions arose I started being more distant towards them and in ooc chats I avoided them. Afterwards I found out that they grew quite mad about me not giving them attention which is weird because they knew we weren’t on good terms yet still tried to get me to talk to them. Apparently that frustrated them so much  that they decided to leave the rp, left a comment under it and was gone. The others in the rp then proceeded to confirm that it was indeed them, proving my suspicions right. And that was the end of that one.


Case #3: the rp incident 

After case #2 I joined this rated rp. I really loved the place and enjoyed being there. However, I soon realized that that user was in there too. I, once again, tried to keep my distance. That was no easy task though so I decided to message the user. Since I swear I sent that first message and it was gone when I next checked, I’m just gonna assume they deleted our dms. I messaged them again, however, and asked them if they were the user who I think they were. Even saying that I didn’t want beef, just wanted to know. They confirmed that it was them to which I replied that I still felt uncomfortable with how we parted ways after case #1. I asked them if they could keep their distance to my character and that I will do the same, that I do not wish to cause drama, and that I didn’t ask for complete ignoring, just for minimal interactions. 

They proceeded to delete our dms. (I have a screenshot of our messages though)

However, they still decided to respond, telling me that they first thought it was a “waste of time”. 

“[...] You’ve been ignoring me since [friends only ateez rp] so honestly it’s not like you’re asking much [considering I tried interacting with you] and your casual stance of pretending I didn’t exist even though you didn’t know who I was [...] (which is why I dipped from [there] in general) [...]” (Nov 3, 2020, rp chara dm convo)

They basically agreed to what I asked of them and I decided to leave it at that, not responding to their attacks and almost gaslighting way of talking. 

Everything went well at first until they decided to, as their character, say that my character hated theirs. In the ic chat of that rp. I happened to be lurking so I chimed in and said “ok but why do you have to project this onto our characters?”

However, since I didn’t wish to cause a scene in the ic chat I deleted my messages.

Short after, an admin dmed me as I dmed another admin. I explained the situation to both of them and they decided to try to help and talk to the user. The admin that messaged me told me that the user wanted to be civil at first but then seemed to have decided to leave the ic chat once I’m there. After that, things seemingly calmed down and we avoided each other. About two weeks later they left the rp. And that was the end of that one.


Case #4: mini incident

I was in a different rp and one day saw that they applied for it. Being the cautious person I am I decided to pm the admin there that I knew, to I form them about the user and that I didn’t mind them being there, just wanted to let them know what happened and if the admins could keep an eye on them since it seemed they only listened once admins got involved. I simply felt anxious and needed to be sure that case #3 wouldn’t repeat itself. The admin informed the user and the user decided not to join the rp at all.


That was about all of it. Nothing more happened because shortly after I took a mental health break. One that’s actually still happening. But a really really good friend of mine informed me about recent developments so I decided to share my story.


I just want people to know my side of the story, to know my truth, because I know this user tends to not tell the whole truth or even straight up lie.

I want people to be careful and to know what they’re getting themselves into when talking to this user. Simply because I talked to more than one person who had similar or worse experiences with them. I’d even say I got away with a simple scratch.

Seriously, just be careful. Of course you’re allowed to form your own opinion about them, make your own experiences, but keep other people’s stories in mind and be careful.


There’s so many problematic things this user did but it’s not my place to share those since those are stories for other people to tell.

This one is mine.

Thank you for reading and stay safe




(sorry for any typos lol)


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disrespect 3 years ago
thank you for sharing ! as someone who's v v uninformed when it comes to users, i will be very careful in the future ! srsly this behaviour is so deplorable ;; pls do take care of yourself and even though we've never talked i wish you a pleasant week <3
sakurasucks 3 years ago
vouch king
a958b6ef268dd914bcee 3 years ago
i don't believe that any of these incidents are even a little bit tamed. you went through a lot too. thank you for sharing this with us. and yes, i hope more users will do a bit of research and be careful when they talk to the user.
boonanii 3 years ago
you're so good mate. i Also will punt the fools
-Faeya 3 years ago
Miss you Oli.
Hopefully sorts out, I know so many people (myself included) that have stories like this with people on RPR.
Hopefully turns around for you and we can see one another again sometime soon :)
c4bfa3e4e435a5de4deb 3 years ago
got my support <3
erigom 3 years ago
we don’t know each other but i’m proud of you for sharing! it’s honestly been such a shiz show with all this, i’m really sorry you had to go through this too. rest up and make sure to eat whenever you can ♡
angelcode 3 years ago
proud of u i will literally punt any fool who thinks they can mess w u
87a3507b603b5c96a252 3 years ago
Oiiiii so much flippin drama. I've had issues with so many people like this. They just up your whole day >.<
Im sorry you had to deal with all that, bby. /snuggles you/ I miss you so much ;;;;;;;; Take care of yourself <33
acuteassmess 3 years ago
i think i know who you talking about :eyes: but besides that, i thank you for showing us this hm? i truly believe you 100% and i hope you don't interact or have problems with them again.
guerrilla 3 years ago
thanks for sharing your side bubs.
this is some real tea. do be safe coz there’s a lot of toxic people like that.
balladeer 3 years ago
banger post, my liege
pxssionfruit 3 years ago
i love you peanut, thank you for sharing your story. they are master manipulators and gaslighters and that will never change. stay strong and safe!
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