(tldr; quick rant that will more than likely get deleted.)
the way some people lack even the smallest sense of self-accountability and/or self-awareness, to the extent of using another person’s story of abuse (and one that isn’t theirs to share) just to justify how genuinely ty of a person they are inside and out.
if you’re feeling some type of way, maybe even uncomfortable in the slightest bit when someone calls you out for something, it’s guilt for being caught. when people call others out, i’d like to think it’s a chance for people to really put themselves in check and use this as an opportunity to genuinely grow, and improve into a better version of themselves and one that can learn from their previous mistakes. and this goes for everyone, honestly, because nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes (myself included).
but to go around twisting the whole narrative of people who you consider your friends? people who gave you multiple chances, and people who called you out for the sake of care? i hope you find genuine peace in confiding into others the endless lies you can spill, running from one account to another just because you cannot admit to your own faults.
i’m not one for drama, and can never care to insert myself in for my sake of peace but one can only be pushed so much until they’ve had enough. please stay away from me, all the people i genuinely care about, and all the people on rpr who would more than likely be at peace without your troublesome presence. the world is toxic enough as is.
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