genuine question

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why do so many people only use one muse and then join the every single rp as them? it's a little frustrating for others who want to try them as a fc to see the same people as them in every single rp

just a bit curious on the thought process there? 
it would be one thing if it weren't all nonau places i see it in. is there a point in joining multiple nonaus as the exact same idol every single time? where is the difference in them? or is it just a clique type beat where it's the same group of people following each other around-- genuinely puzzled by it

i think the confusion comes from the lack of anything being different. it's a nonau there is no plot or change lol what's up with that?

also it's almost competitive in a way too like, stalking blogs and reserving them ahead of time just to have one more to add to the horde of the rest seems like a lot. others having to spam the blogs to try and reserve is insane to me. it's not like other people don't also enjoy popular fcs. just seems really lame/inconsiderate


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-jbnw- 3 days ago
tbh I use the same fc because she is my only muse and has been for a long time , its also very rare I see her in RP's these days and honestly I have tried others but I just am not comfortable branching out like I used to be tbh
angelcode 3 days ago
‘also it's almost competitive in a way too like, stalking blogs and reserving them ahead of time just to have one more to add to the horde of the rest seems like a lot. others having to spam the blogs to try and reserve is insane to me. it's not like other people don't also enjoy popular fcs. just seems really lame/inconsiderate’

this, and then being insanely petty afterwards is ridiculous.
SpicyRamen 3 days ago
Everyone has a good and detailed answer and meanwhile I'm here like "my first 3 choices are always taken so I just always end up using the unpopular muse"

(Unpopular as in he doesn't get roleplayed a whole lot)
saorsa 3 days ago
That was so long oh my god I’m sorry
saorsa 3 days ago
I’m gonna put in my two cents because I participate in both sides of rpr- it used to exclusively be au but I’ve been joining non au’s more frequently this past year. And I AM one of those people who tends to use the same 2-3 faceclaims in every rp I join.

For non-au ; I feel like it’s a little easier to explain my thoughts but I stress that this relates to /me/ and me alone. Non au is not roleplaying, lmao, I don’t anyone is really trying to say it is anyways but non au roleplays are just us being ourselves(or a version of it anyways) with good looking faceclaims representing us. I’ve found that my muse sticks around for the idols that I can either a.) accurately guess what their personality is or b.) I can guess that their personality is similar to mine. This is a huge reason why I almost exclusively roleplay jungkook and yeonjun in non au spaces because I feel like my personality matches them and their faces. I’ve attempted before, even with members of the SAME group(beomgyu, kai from txt, namjoon from bts, lisa, jennie from bp, nayeon, jihyo and momo from twice, etc), to be other muses and it never works out because I feel like how I am doesn’t mesh well with them. And my muse burns out super quick because of it and then I become the thing we all dislike- a faceclaim hogger. And the thing I dislike- an rp hopper. It’s why I don’t join every rp that opens cause i do initially feel that impulse but I know I won’t be active, and my go-to choices ARE popular faceclaims so it’s not fair. I’ve been able to join as a Sungchan for the first time which makes my lil heart happy cause he’s a muse I’ve been wanting to rp for a while, but I always miss out on cause I either am too slow or I’m not joining the rp.

I don’t disagree with Rainy’s parasocial comment(because I’ve seen in happen in real time on here with people being parasocial with their fc’s) but I don’t necessarily agree 100% for rpr /now/. However their self insert comment is completely as above ^ I literally do it. You can’t keep up with non au unless you are just being yourself(or a version you want people to see, and I don’t mean that in a negative way.) because it goes to fast and people are doing it anyways.

So for me, it comes down to who I feel like I can embody accurately. And ofc it tends to be my bias’s because they’re the idols I pay/paid the most attention too so I know them through what they’ve portrayed themselves to us. My bias’ are usually the ones that I relate to the most.

For au - it’s easier for me to branch out with different muses because I feel like there’s more flexibility. Do I absolutely still use Jungkook and Yeonjun /more/? Yeah for sure, but I also pick up a lot of international faceclaims, I use ateez, skz, enhypen, etc, more because I feel like AU(even semi-au) gives me more flexibility to switch their personalities and for it to make sense.

Others may feel the same which is why au can be a little more… I’m gonna use the word diverse, with faceclaim choices.

The stalking blogs for pre-reserves.. I also agree is a little strange. I actually don’t love it when people do friends only reserves unless it’s for a friends only roleplay because I find it creates a sense of competition and I find that super lame/inconsiderate.
mahogany [A] 3 days ago
just a quick reminder that everyone should be kind in these comments (haven’t seen anyone not be)
this is an OPEN discussion. I’m not coming for anybody’s wigs lmao just genuinely curious and i’m the type of boy who is going to ask
lullaby 4 days ago
solution: make your own rp and gatekeep people you don't like

i think a lot of people on rpr forget you can just... make your own rp. who cares if nobody joins, invite the people you like and be your own little clique in your own little rp. if it's not hot and popping like other rps, does it really matter, especially if you don't even like the people in those rps anyway? anyways, my biggest gripe with rpr is that people keep being shy about opening their own rps and then cry in the blogs about the lack of variety or how no one is joining their rp. small rps are fine. making your own rp is fine. we all don't have to follow the crowd with each nonau that opens up and honestly it would be very refreshing to have new roleplay ideas on rpr even if the rps don't "take off" because sometimes you really just have to trick and manipulate rpr into thinking a concept is a new trend and you'll find yourself with people who want to try it out.

ok but also to answer your question in a more positive light:
- often times i choose the same faces over and over again because i already have an album full of icons for this faceclaim and I'm not doing this again for a new face
- i agree that there are some people who are incredibly parasocial with their faceclaims, perhaps to an unhealthy extent, but I'm not a doctor so that's none of my business. i hope they get better soon because... they can get very worrying about their attachment to their faceclaim, but whatever keeps them from falling apart
- this is an au explanation but i CANNOT keep writing backgrounds and personalities from the ground up for a new faceclaim for every new au i join i just cant please it takes me forever to get into their headspace only for the au to die before i can use them!! I've done this so many times and i still use a different faceclaim every time someone stop me
- but yes your clique suspicions are correct and honestly please do not feel the need to join these rps just because they look big and active when it's a clique and a couple in tags keeping the rp active, you can do better
zabimaru 4 days ago
honestly i only use the same muse for multiple reason 1. anytime i would try to get a new muse or another muse i do enjoy musing they are taken so i would end up using youngji because normally no one ever reserves her or wants her. shes kind of just someone i know i don't have to fight for or be disappointed when someone new i want to try or someone i do muse is taken. 2. shes at this point the only character i have muse for, for this reasoning as my other characters i have lost muse for and have zero motivation, i know with youngji i'll be active with her. 3. at this point because of those two reasonings i have gotten so use to using her i don't want to use anyone else especially when i know no one ever muses her. shes not a popular muse and i just rather stick to someone i know who won't be used
sapphira 4 days ago
ysage 1 hour ago Reply
i agree though with the character hogging and the inside jokes bit i read from the comments below though. but yk what’s more annoying? seeing people join in rps and talk about their ooc life or talk ooc with one another in roleplaying rooms. it kills the character’s vibe IMO.

!!! this right here, I agree with them with the comfort of having a muse, sometimes I would choose a same fc due to history I've had like creamytears said. and wanting to carry over the said lore. but I don't understand the need to rush at blogs like a competition to snag a fc because if you don't then xyz would use it, it's just a face and I don't get why it's a possessive need. that being said, a big pet peeve and something I've said in my rp as a rule, don't bring your ooc life in chats, it really drags the mood down, ofc everyone got their issues, however, you're not alone. everyone are the exact same in their own way, we come to rpr to de-stress, not be overwhelmed by problems.

with that being said, I think majority of people are either competing to see who could snag said fc first because "I do it better than you," or it could be comfort and what fc gives us much muse in that moment due to having a rich love and favorism for that idol.
madmarks 4 days ago
I do understand using one or two fcs constantly in aus bc that's easy to hunt down aesthetics and build head canons bc bias and endless supply of muse. (this is for me personally) But I also cap joining rps. One or two lore heavy at a time. And I join when I know I'll be active and do threads.
( So I hope my reason is understandable)

but yeah....some did happen on rpr. people are repeating the thing. And nonaus are basically ooc hangouts with aesthetics or wtv matched.

And not using many fcs... I personally am not keeping touch with kpop post 3rd/4th gen.
ysage 4 days ago
i agree though with the character hogging and the inside jokes bit i read from the comments below though. but yk what’s more annoying? seeing people join in rps and talk about their ooc life or talk ooc with one another in roleplaying rooms. it kills the character’s vibe imo.
ysage 4 days ago
i don’t know about the others, but to me it’s simple, it’s just my current muse. i’ve tried other fcs but when i feel like i’ve aced in that one muse, i stick with it until the next season of my life changes lol
babyfangz 4 days ago
Exactly what user _rainy said.
xsoulx 4 days ago
As someone who likes to try new fc, doesn’t like to repeat (unless I really like the fc). I don’t understand this neither. And I have never seen anything good come out of users hogging the same character in every new/opening place. Eventually, admins and other rpers become tired of these people because they know they’re there only to grab the fc and move their bubble rp from place to place. Often times I see these users speaking ooc more than anything.

They also go inactive and never drop the character, just posting once to remove the inactive sign, which makes me believe they truly do this only to hog the character and avoid having anyone else have a chance with it.
euphrosyne 4 days ago
personally, it's because i have a hard time trying new fcs because my muse is overall really finicky and i'm far too lazy to keep looking up new dps, if that makes sense. but for what it's worth, i only join rps that i know i'll be active in.
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