genuine question pt.2

Tags question 

hey so real quick before people start a silent hate campaign towards me lmao

my previous blog was not at all aiming for either ehm community(?) on rpr. i genuinely (as the title stated) wanted to know the logic and answer behind the question i posed. that was all. anyone spiraling off it and causing drama or issues based off of my question or spinning it to seem like i had ill-intent is wrong and that was not the case

do not spin my blog post to suit your narrative whether you do or do not like using the same fcs, i have seen both sides of the coin and will not be making a judgement or taking the step to join either :)

thank you!!!


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realllllmino 3 days ago
the tiny text kills me
lullaby 3 days ago
wow you think you can get away with this? obviously you did something wrong here mahogany have you ever considered that being so cute might give us a heart attack?? every time i see you make a blog post i want to spoil and kiss you and what do i get out of it??? heart flutters??? rosy cheeks??? when are you going to take responsibility for your actions and give me a kiss on the cheek so i can die peacefully in your arms!!! we demand answers now!!!!!
eonian 3 days ago
The shoe fit them a little too tight and now they're pissed off. ijbol. You did nothing wrong, you asked a valid question and got genuine and peaceful answers from most of the commenters. People who feel targeted are guilty of doing the negative things mentioned via people's comments and feel attacked probably. and will most likely have little hate parades with their friends who follow them like lost puppies regardless of if they are wrong or right, so I wouldn't sweat it. It is what it is, pal. Keep speaking your mind and asking what you want to, nothing wrong with it.
saorsa 3 days ago
Are people giving you for the blog lmao

It was totally fine??

If people take issue with you asking a simple question, they need to take a breather
sapphira 3 days ago
You didn't do anything wrong dear. Everyone got their own opinions and pov and whatever and no one is supposed to follow and like what one person said or other person said. It was a genuine question, I don't think you tried to start drama. Hang in there ♡
mahogany [A] 3 days ago
there is nothing wrong with asking a difficult question.
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