WANTED: Mafia AU RP • • PM or Private ONLY

Status [M]

This rp will feature some darker(?) concepts so WARNING: If you're uncomfortable with mentions of abuse please do not apply.

Will also contain: Rated Scenes, Afairs, Angst, Drama and some fluff to keep it balanced. (For me, all sad stuff makes me bored.)


Wanted: a top or a switch at least.

My Muse: Yoojung (OnlyOneOf)

[YM] = Your Muse

─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ♡ .* :☆゚. ───


Yoojung and [YM] are childhood friends, their families being trusted business partners. No one could seperate the two boys, to the point that their familes had to become neighbors in order to stop them from sneaking out to go to the others house.

When they were teens, they grew even closer. [YM] would ask Yoojung every year on his (your muse's) birthday "will you marry me?" and every year the answer was different but the same.

"Will you marry me?"

When we're older.

"Will you marry me?"

When we finish school.

As the two families celebrated [YM]'s 21st birthday, the two young men learned that their families weren't just business partners but worked for the mafia and were expected to do so as well. 

The news was too much for Yoojung, especially when seeing how excited [YM] was and so, when the celebration was over and he knew the yearly question from [YM] was coming at any moment, Yoojung packed his bags and left. Leaving only a note saying: "When we meet again."



[YM] was meeting with a business partner at a nightclub that his parents wanted him to "get rid of". He couldn't why though, the partner seemed like an okay guy (as okay as you can be in their line of work) he even mentioned having a husband.

Before [YM] could ask another personal question, the husband in question appeared. [YM] spotted bruises on the other and as their eyes met, [YM] realized why his parents sent him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ♡ .* :☆゚. ───

What's needed? (If interested.)
•Must be 20+ (Muse must be 20+ as well)
•Willing/able to have a somewhat long-term RP.
•Willing/able to include your own ideas.

PM me if you're interested, must include what blog you're responding to. (Simple "applying for Mafia AU" is enough)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *. APPLICATION .* :☆゚. ──
•Your Age: 27 (mine)
•Muse: (I will not pick for you)
•Position: Top or Switch (Again, I will nkt pick for you)
•Muse kinks + Limits:



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