Tagged by BaconQueen.



rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
                                                                            ► tagged by BaconQueen
1. what are your top 5 otps in exo?
whats with all the exo questions ; ; (not that into exo that much anymore.)
1 - Kris/Lay
2 - Chen/Luhan 
3 - Luhan/Tao 
4 - Kai/Baekhyun
5 - Chanyeol/Lay
2. have you seen bap's japanese version of warrior? if so, what did you think of it? 
It was okay.
3. if you had the chance to go on a date with any kpop idol (even soloists and actors!), who would it be? why that person?
I have no idea, therearequiteafew.
Maybe Dara, GD, Jongup or Zelo /slapped/ 
im too lazy to explain my reasons for any of them.
4. do you like the couple kaisoo from exo? (/lol am i the only one who completely hates the couple?/)
no you are not. 
I don't ship it either,
It just wasn't a pairing I could get into and with how people rp the two together. No surprises there.
5. kai and baekhyun...do you think they make a cute couple? (/lol the ultimate shipper of kaibaek on aff >>/)
it is in my top five exo pairings. 
Yes I do.
6. apple pie or pumpkin pie? >_<
7. what's your favorite holiday?
Christmas -slapped- 
8. list all of the groups you're into by using what they call their fans (ex: BAP = BABY)
> - > I don't keep up with what fans call the groups. 
Im lazy and awesome like that.
9. if you read one of my kaibaek stories on aff, would you give me feedback? (if you're curious and wanna read one, search TeddyBearx3 or tell me your username so I can add you since my profile is a friend's only thing to limit advertising and such >>)
when I read it. 
10. how would you react is kai showed up at your door with no shirt on asking for some sugar? (otl get your dirty minds kicking girlies~ i wanna see what kind of dirty minded responds i get XD)
* ^ * get your own sugar. This is mine. 
11. if bap's daehyun kissed you on the cheek, how would you react? would you react the same if yongguk kissed your cheek?
dunno,  act like normal? It is just a kiss on the cheek, and probably. 
Yonguk is more attractive then Daehyun.
too lazy to tag anyone.


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