♛{ Artificial Doll - The Alice Game Begins }♛


Artificial Doll

You have chosen the path of the Artificial Doll, which means that you get to become, yes, a doll. When you reach a certain amount of activity points, you will be asked a very important question by one of the admins. "Would you like to become an Artificial Doll?" Since we're in the "Artificial Doll" path, we'll go with "yes". When you say yes, you will then start roleplaying with an Original Doll admin, which will be explained later. Your roleplay will be you getting kidnapped and taken to the laboratory. The laboratory, also called the "Dollhouse" is where you will be changed and altered into an "Artificial Doll". When you become an "Artificial Doll", you finally start the first stage of the "Alice Game", which is finding your "Medium". Without a "Medium", you are rendered virtually helpless, for you cannot activate your "Artificial Rose" and defend yourself against another doll's attacks.


The next path to go down is either: 


Broken Doll | Reverse Alice | Black Alice | Pure Alice | Rozen Reincarnation


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