Facts about me..for fun

  • Name: Clara :D
  • Birthday: 16th July
  • Height: 163-165 cm
  • Eye color: Blue/Grey-ish
  • Hair color: Dark blonde, it gets kind of lightblond in the summer
  • A random fact about you: I only have one pierced ear.
  • Favorite band/artist: Tough decision..Girls' Generation..And Tablo.
  • Favorite song: Moon Walking by Late Night ALumni
  • Favorite food: Pasta Bolougnese
  • Favorite season: Not entirely sure but It's usually summer or autumn
  • Favorite animal: Wolves
  • Favorite movie:Lord of THe Rings triology
  • Are you currently in a relationship?: No. I'm pretty much desperate for one though..
  • If so, are you happy with them?:
  • Anything you need to work on?: Continuing with my diet and actually do the things I have to do. Like homework
  • Who ended your last relationship?: Well I've never actually been in a relationship so..
  • Are you friends with your ex?: I would..If I had one
  • Do you prefer someone shorter or taller?: I don't give a
  • Dark hair or light hair?: I quite like dark hair but light hair is alright too.
  • Smart or attractive?: Both. I like it when attractive people are really really smart..like Sherlock.
  • Is creativity attractive?: Oh yes...Yes.
  • Do you care how much money they have?: As long as I don't have to support them, no.
  • Your last phone call: My..mum.
  • Your last text: "You're dying. Aren't you?"
  • The last thing you ate: Pasta and meatballs.
  • The last thing you drank: Apple Juice
  • The last song you listened to: I believe it was, do I wanna' know by Arctic Monkeys
  • The last book you read: Tårka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Kärleken. (Never wipe tears without gloves: The Love)
  • The last movie you watched: I believe that was Iron Man 3
  • What is your heritage?: Well..I'd say finnish..12,3 %- Ok I don't know really.. 
  • Do you play any instruments?: I sing..I used to learn how to play the guitarr but gave up pretty much.
  • What are you pets’ names?: I don't have a pet. Except the dust under my bed.
  • Your favorite board game: I don't have one, I prefer card games.
  • A random childhood memory:Arguing with my daycare friends about wether is was a party or not just because you ate cookies.
  • Places you would like to visit:Japan, Korea, Britain...France, Germany, Italy(again)
  • Your favorite color to wear: Black or white along with lots of glittery and colorfull accessories.


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Letmein 10 years ago
Can I steal this?
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