Ranting ahead, dont read if you dont want to. I just had to get this out.
I'm so mad at the world. People claim they care, they claim they're doing their best, that they want this to end, that they want the children to be safe and live happy. That they want the families to stop shattering and the innocent souls to stop going waste but they all stand and stare, watch us die one by one while they show the perfect helping image. tell me why because i don't understand, i truly dont. Why when they could've killed him one day after he started bombing us, why when they could've stopped him but they all watch like it's some sort of a game they're enjoying, i dont understand why do we have to lose everything because people are too busy bullting to care about saving us from a psycho president. I dont understand why i have to lose my country and see my friends and family die because people are all talk and no action. Why our families have to live in camps because the countries wont let us in. Is that what they call humanity because i dont see it. I dont see why i have to be banned from many activities and even many countries just because im Syrian. I dont see why i have to be called worthless and nationless by people who claim to care about world peace, that bull. The pretending game is too ironic.
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