Looking for a Long-Term RP Kind of thing. [Semi-Long Post Ahead]

Tags roleplayplots 

I am literally trying to figure out how to word my thoughts as I write this. I hope that I can make this as clear as possible.

I'm looking for a either a one-on-one or a group. Either is fine with me. Where? Depnding on the response I get, kakao, line, pm, or a private rp could work.

I'm looking for something a little more domestic. And when I say domestic, it doesn't have to mean like a couple living together and starting a family. Not exactly anyway.

I have a few rp partners that I have roleplayed with and still do roleplay with that really just bring out what I love about rp. I love to make connections and really tell a story. Sure, the occassional rp quickie is fun or, in other words, the rp with absolutely no plot can sometimes be fun, but my heart is really set on creating stories with others and taking it to wherever for however long one is willing. I could give quite a lot of examples to be honest but I won't do that with this post. I just want to see if anyone is interested.

If it's a group rp, it can be like a small group of friends that weren't even friends at first but all went to school together. We could explore how they grow closer, if they do, as they grow older and why things do or don't work out.

As for a one-on-one, it could still be the same, of course, but obviously would be more intimate since it's one on one and no I don't mean ually intimate just more up close and personal. (Where is the proper punctuation in that statement? orz)

There are a lot of ideas that we could go with. I'm not looking for a particular uality or any particular people. I just want something that's casual but serious. No crack. I mean, jokes and all are perfectly fine, but I want this to be like a real story. Like we're in a television series or a movie, as if we're really in the world we're creating. I do not mean drop your real life. I just mean that I want it to really last and tell a story. I want to make that connection with people again. I guess I'm leaning a little more toward a group because I feel like I've kind of lost touch with what it's like to rp with more than one person at a time. It's also more fun that way, sometimes. I have hope.

Again, I'm not picky about uality or individuals. I found a couple of my older blog posts that could probably give you an idea of what I mean and I'll link them below. I just figured that it would be a bit too long if I tried to pack everything in this one post I honestly already feel like it's way too annoying that I wrote this much already but I hope that someone, some people, read this and really want to try this with me.

Thank you so much for reading this far. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, we'll roleplay together as well.

Some pretty domestic-style rps. (All but one are AU. Never Out of Style could be fully au or semi-au.)

A whole rack of domestic-style plots and pairings that I fancy/would like to try. (These would honestly all be au but things can be tweaked and all.)

Pairings that I'm interested in trying. (Nothing but a handful of pairings.)

I could list all the other pairings and groups that I'm interested in and/or that I know pretty well, but that might take a bit. I don't know actors all that well or many others of other professions but I'm willing to try whatever. Roleplaying people that I don't know also helps me get to know them better because I have a tendency to do my research if I'm rping someone that I don't have an idea for in regards to their personality and profession and all.

If this is confusing, please, just ask me. I'm really feeling a muse for like...some community, brotherhood, friendship-building kind of thing. I sound like I'm a loser or something, which I am...

Again, thank you for reading. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me!


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BaekYeollie87 7 years ago
I would love to talk more pm, hit me up if you are still looking okay, have a great day or night
lipslikesuga- 7 years ago
oh wow, are you still open for more people?
i've honestly been looking for something like this for a long time!
lightp 7 years ago
This sounds amazing!!! I'd be interested!
KimHeechul 7 years ago
Dude, your plots are amazing
piixiedust 7 years ago
Its quite interesting, honestly. I haven't rped domestic style in sometime now.
-minchul 7 years ago
I would absolutely love to do this with you! I'd love to do the amber and Luna pairing
babyqueen 7 years ago
I've honestly been craving something like this too. It's been so long since I've rped with someone like that
If you're still open to more people I would love to rp with you.
Nootherthanyou 7 years ago
Can we do Hyuna Zico one?
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